Story Clips

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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

(for this RP: 23-roleplay-stage/162024-hidden-secrets ... #p17070977)

(this may never be posted depending on the other writer's reply to my 2nd to last post)
Æsc winced in despair at (whatever negative response) and kept his eyes closed as he heard her retreating footsteps, unable to bear the sight of her running from him. He didn't open his eyes when he could no longer hear them but instead crumpled to the ground as despondency consumed him at her rejection of what he was. He wished he could've known the out come, then he would've waited. He shifted back to his human form and pulled his knees up and buried his face in them, wishing he could just stop existing. Not only had he just ruined any chance of being happy with her, but he had also destroy her ignorance in the world, now everyone she looked at she would wonder if they were human or not, if they were a danger to her. He should've never come back to society, he had ruined what was left of both their lives, and yet somehow he couldn't bring himself to regret befriending her, for her sake maybe, but not for his. Somehow the joy he'd had with her was still worth the crushing pain now.
He heard slow, deliberate footsteps and his hopes that she had come back skyrocketed. He lifted his head and jumped to his feet, "Emil-" he froze when he realized it was not Emilia standing at the opening of the alley and his hopes were dashed in the worst possible way. Of course he wouldn't have the luck of a hunter coming for him, no, they had finally found him. He looked around, but there was no means of escape for a weakling like him. Before him stood a large man, clad in black leather covered in belts containing all types of weapons, in his hand was a large, white net shooter aimed directly at the hybrid and Æsc knew he was done for, he was going back to that place. That horrid place where he was nothing more than a guinea pig used for experiments to learn his strengths and weaknesses incase a war between the humans and nonhumans broke out they would have a fighting chance. He gritted his teeth and rushed the man, a last ditch effort at escape, but it failed, the man pulled the trigger and a net shot out and embraced Æsc. It was made of silver and he could feel it searing into his flesh, but that wasn't enough, oh no, to completely incapacitate him a wave of electricity surged through the metal and into his body. He screamed out in pain as his body convulsed and then unconsciousness enveloped him.
Last edited by TalaLakota on March 20th, 2013, 2:53:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

(for this RP: 23-roleplay-stage/162024-hidden-secrets ... #p17070977)

(this may never be posted depending on the other writer's reply to my 2nd to last post)
Æsc slid out of bed silently, doing his best not to wake her up. He stood up and looked down at Emillia, not sure how he was still functioning. She was wasting away to nothing and it was killing him, the only thing keeping him going was his desire to be strong for her. He took a shaky breath and turned to leave the room, going to the kitchen to get something to eat while she was asleep, which wasn't often since she was in so much pain. He went in and looked around aimlessly, there was plenty of food but nothing was appetizing. He realized he hadn't been eating much lately and had probably lost some weight, but he didn't really care. He sunk down at the table and buried his head in his hands, now that he was alone he was unable to stop his tears from flowing. He'd been able to keep it in for her sake so she wouldn't feel guilty, but now he couldn't do so and let it all out at once. The tears flowed like streams and his shoulders shook as he sobbed, his heart aching for her, wishing he knew some way to save her, it killed him that he couldn't.

He felt it. Everything stopped. His own heart seemed to stop beating as hers did. His breath caught in his throat as her last one escaped hers. He sat up and grabbed her shoulders, hoping beyond hope that he was wrong but knowing he wasn't as he shook her shoulders gently. "Emi? . . . Emillia! . . Please don't." Tears filled his eyes and started to flow down his cheeks as he pulled her limp form close, he had thought he was prepared, but hadn't expected it to feel like his very soul was ripped in half, "Please come back to me," he begged uselessly, "don't leave me alone, I can't be alone again."

Eztli placed her hands on his shoulders gently, knowing he was aching in every way possible. "Æsc it's--"
"No," he growled, standing up and knocking her hands away. "I don't want to hear one more, 'she's in a better place' or 'at least she's not in pain anymore' it doesn't help. And I can't, I cannot hear one more 'it's going to be okay', because it's not. Nothing will ever be okay again. Everyone I love dies. I should've never come back. Maybe if I hadn't been the one to love her she'd've never gotten sick and she'd still be alive."
Eztli was startled by his sudden anger, she'd never seen him like this before, "Æsc, you know that's not true."
He glared at her as he threw the front door open, "In this world anything can be true, and one thing I know is certainly true is the only people that are still alive that I've ever cared for is this family. I'm not going to get you killed too." He slammed the door behind him and took off out of the village.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

Amara smiled at him, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad, I just need to talk, to explain. Getting it out loud I think will solidify this and make it more real for me." She looked away from him for a second to clear her head a bit better and then her eyes went back to his. "I realized something out on that battlefield today, Alastair. Right after our little tiff. I don't know if you noticed that you did it, and I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted me to see it, but you winced when I mentioned that I had lost a mate before and that's why I'm so over cautious about loosing you. That tiny little motion made me realize that even though he's been gone for years he's never been out of my life or mind. I have let Mike control every part of our relationship, which is something he would hate for me to do. I didn't know I was doing it, but now I do and it's not fair to either of us. So even though it will be hard, I am going to work at not letting that happen anymore. So first thing's first," a hand went over her stomach and she looked down a bit. "To start with I have to say, I am not at all worried about your reaction to this. That is not my trouble with it." She closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she pulled her shirt off slowly, revealing four long, deep scars that ran from just under her breasts, down under the lip of her jeans. "I know you won't be bothered by the sight of the scars, if you were that shallow I wouldn't love you so much. These are the scars that resulted from the blow that killed my son, that robbed me of the ability to give you a child," a tear slid out of the corner of one of her eyes, "my trouble with them is not that I was afraid of your reaction, it's that they represent every bad thing that's ever happened in my life. I can't even handle looking at them myself, much less showing them to someone else." She couldn't put to words how hard this was, but she knew she had to get over it eventually, she couldn't hide this forever.

Amara's eyes opened and met his again, they were shining with tears, half happy to have him, half mourning her past and what she was trying her best to let go of. "I love you so much, Alastair, you've been so patient and understanding with me. There are so many things that have happened between us that could've easily driven off another man, but not you." She looked down at his hands as she took them and lifted them up between them, cupping them together as if she was going to pour water into them. She ran her fingers over his palms and said quietly, "These hands, these strong, yet very gentle hands, they hold my heart. It's been broken and destroyed and I've only just finished putting the pieces back together, and your love is the glue keeping it that way. It's fragile, but as long as these hands protect it, it will beat for you and you alone and it will strengthen with time, as will our love." She looked up into his eyes, her own shining with love for him, "I think the main reason I have been so resistant in allowing us to go further is because when mates 'mate' for the first time it solidifies their bond. It's kind of a no turning back moment, or, in extremely rare cases, it separates them if they're not right for each other, which I have no fear of happening," she added quickly, she had no doubt they were perfect for each other. "I guess I was just scared that my past is going to repeat itself and if I try to keep a little separation it won't. But I can't do that anymore, I love u too much to punish you like this any longer." She wrapped her fingers around his hands and leaned in to press her lips to his. This was different than any kiss they'd shared before, there's was more than just passion and love in it, there was an unspoken need in the contact. She was ready for him and she wanted him now.

"You should know, Alastair," Amara said softly with a smile, as her hand trailed down his chest, "that if I could do my whole life over, knowing how things would go with every aspect of it. I would skip Mike and come straight to you, even if I could keep him from dieing and loosing our son, I would still move passed that. Because being with him and him living would mean I wouldn't be able to be with you, and even though I loved him and my life with him, I love you so much more, I just wish the bad that had happened in the end with him hadn't so that things with us would be easier. I'm doing my best to not let it affect our life anymore than it already has though."
Last edited by TalaLakota on May 29th, 2014, 1:19:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

Dion looked up from his homework when he heard a pounding on his door. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he slipped off his bed and stood up. The pounding was repeated before he made it across the small space that was his apartment. In hindsight that was a good warning that he shouldn't open the door. He didn't actually have a peep hole so he had to open the door to see who it was, but he only saw the feared and hated face for a split second before a beer bottle crashed down on is head and he cried out in surprise and pain as he stumbled backwards.
There was an enraged scream of: "You ruined my life!" before pain exploded in his stomach and the force of the blow sent him to the floor coughing and hacking. "Everything was fine till you came along and made her leave." The man slammed his foot into Dion's chest, receiving a very satisfying crack and cry of pain. "All the money and time I wasted raising you and you repay me by throwing me in jail?" This time his foot connected with Dion's head. "Should've just given your mother's stomach a good punch and ended you before you existed!" He picked Dion up just to throw him into a wall. "Bet your little whore left you as soon as she realized how useless you are, you little fagot," he added as he slammed his fist into Dion's stomach, sending him to the floor once more.
Last edited by TalaLakota on December 12th, 2013, 2:05:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

Althaia smiled as she watched her son playing with his toys. Feeling a little thirsty she got up and left their room then headed for the kitchen. To save electricity she had turned the AC off and since it was a little warm she was just walking around in pajama pants and a sports bra. She went into the kitchen and filled Cronos's sippy cup with apple juice before pouring herself a glass and heading back through the house. She only made it about half-way through her living room before the front door practically exploded off it's hinges. She let out a startled cry as she dropped to the floor and covered her head to protect herself from debris. Then only a second later a large hand gripped her hair and yanked her head back painfully, forcing her to look at the face she feared and hated more than anything else in the world.
"Thought you could just run out on me did you?" he slammed the back of his hand across her face, not releasing her hair as he did so her face took the entire force of the blow without being able to move with it to reduce the impact. She cried out in pain and raised her arms to block any more blows but he just grabbed her wrist in a painfully tight grip and yanked her to her feet, the force snapped her wrist like a twig, eliciting a scream of pain. "After all I did for you? After all I gave to you? You could've been Alpha Female! Our son could've had everything!" he yelled as he tossed her across the living room. She slammed into the coffee table, shattering it and receiving several shards of broken glass into her flesh. She sobbed in pain and fear, knowing this was only going to get worse.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

The Beta male snapped, he'd been keeping his mouth shut as much as he could to avoid this, but couldn't any longer. "Ever thought maybe part of this is your fault?" he snarled as he spun towards the Alpha, toward the man he used to be good friends with. "She was upset, she was afraid. Don't tell me you didn't know that because any mate who is as bonded as you claim to be could tell when their mate is troubled. I went to her to comfort her, to make sure she was okay, maybe if you'd done the same instead of sitting around your nice warm fire she'd've fallen into your arms instead of mine." His gaze went towards the cave where she was and his tone and expression softened, "I've loved that woman since the second I met her, but I've never made a move towards her, she is yours and I've always respected that despite how I feel. You can't imagine how much it hurts to watch the woman you love love someone else for years. And you want to know the best part," he added with an unamused laugh as his gaze flicked back to Blake and his arm shot up to point at the cave. "There's a woman in there, just as perfect as Rox, who loves me and is already mine, but no matter how much I try I can't make myself love her instead of the one who's already taken. Trust me, I hate myself for that a hundred times more than you ever could, and I always have. No matter what I do I just hurt everyone around me, including myself. So I'm sorry that when the chance for one small moment of mutual happiness came to me I didn't reject it. It wasn't just some moment of lust." He angrily brushed away a tear that had slipped down his cheek and spun away, not looking back as he said, "I don't care what you do to me, kill me, banish me, punish me any way you see fit. It won't hurt more than having her ripped from my arms."

"I'm going to look for my brother," he snarled, "in case you haven't noticed through feeling sorry for yourself, some of your pack hasn't come back after the storm."
Last edited by TalaLakota on March 3rd, 2015, 2:43:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

████Ramiel looked up from his journal as Jynx walked into his room.
████"What's that?" she asked curiously, nodding toward the leather-bound book.
████The half-breed shrugged and sighed, "I have emotional issues sometimes. Generally the negative ones. Anger, depression, etc. This usually helps me control them a little better, keeps me from bottling. Can't sleep?"
████She shrugged, "Never slept under a roof before. Master would never allow me inside the den unless . . . " she trailed off and shrugged gain, but he knew the unsaid words. "You?"
████"I rarely sleep anymore," he replied quietly, "can't handle the nightmares." He closed the journal and stood up, nodding at the sleeping child to indicate they should speak elsewhere to avoid waking him before heading out the door of his room and, so they weren't speaking in the middle of the hall and waking the others he headed into the room they'd given o her. "What is it?" he asked after they'd both gotten inside.
████Jynx looked down and wrapped her arms around her body. She wasn't used to any of this. No one had ever showed her any kindness, they had only ever taken from her, she couldn't understand it. Surely this couldn't just be for nothing. "I have no money or skills to pay any of you for this home or the food or any of the kindnesses you've shown me. There is only one thing I can give you." She slowly slipped her robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Her chin dropped as well and she closed her eyes, waiting for the usual pain, hoping it wouldn't be so bad with him.
████Ramiel's breath stopped and he froze for a moment. He would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted, how could he not be, he was a man and he hadn't been with a woman since Vix. She had the exact same scent and almost identical body type. He could close his eyes and let it be her, be happy for a brief moment. However that thought quickly left him, he could not do that to her, it would be disrespectful to her and to Vix and would damage any chance of this home being different than her last. He opened his mouth slightly to inhale without smelling her and stepped forward slowly, pausing once he was close, noticing her tense up, then bent down to pick up the robe and wrapped it back around her shoulders. He saw the surprise in her face as she opened her eyes to see his hands covering her back up. "Look at me," he said gently and stepped back again. Her hands came up to close the robe as her eyes came up to meet his, eyes wide with shock. "You are not just a body to be used for other's pleasures. You have more use than for sex, you may not know what that use is yet but no one expects you to learn who you are in a few minutes. I want you to take your time, learn yourself, find thing you enjoy doing and eventually find something you're good at to earn your keep, even if it takes years. Now, I don't usually give orders and when I do, I do it for the good of the individual or the Pack. So know this order is important. Don't ever offer yourself to a man unless you love him, you'll learn how much sex can mean when it's with a mate, how amazing it can be. Secondly if anyone ever tries to force themselves on you again you tell me, or Crescent, and we will take care of them. Okay?"
████Jynx looked up at him in utter shock, unable to believe that someone could think she actually had a use in this world. Or maybe it wasn't that he thought she had some use, maybe he just didn't want her, damaged goods and all. "Is it the scars?" she asked, looking down again, ashamed at the remnants of the wounds she'd received from her Master.
████"Of all people I can't say anything about scars, Jynx," Ramiel said and stepped back as he pulled off his own shirt, revealing the tattoos on his shoulders along with the scars that covered his torso, each and every one of them from his father since every other wound he'd been allowed to heal. "I've had a Master of my own, Jynx. Scars do not bother me. My saying no has nothing to do with your looks or your past. I would say no to an offer like this from anyone." He then shrugged and started to head out of the room, "Besides, the last women I slept with died because of it, that kind of kills any libido I would've had. Try to get some sleep, Jynx."
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TheXDarkXDragoness »

Ooh, love the story clip idea! :D
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

thank you ^_^ feel free to add your own in if you want to, it's a good way to get sections of story out of your head ^_^ (and for that matter to get a bit of extra coin ;) )
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Re: Story Clips

Post by TalaLakota »

████Cavan sniffed and looked up as he heard Nene call his name, hurriedly wiping the tears from his face in attempt to hide the fact that he'd been crying for most the morning, knowing it probably wouldn't work. "I'm up here," he called back, "on the roof."
████He gave her a smile as she made her way up but it slipped away as he saw the guilt on her face when she saw the tears on his. He shook his head and said quickly, "Please don't. This isn't about what happened, well, that's part of it but it's not because of it." He held his hand out to her and gently pulled her down into his lap, wrapping his good arm around her. "With the exception of the other day, I haven't let myself cry since the day I learned my dad was dead and that meant my mother was too. Not when I learned Eztli had a monster in her or when we got kicked out of our home because of it, not when we learned our uncle was dead or when she almost killed *me* because of it, not once during all the years of chasing after her and being terrified each time I'd find her she'd be feral or already lost to her demon, not when I learned about my aunt and had to kill her, not even when I found out what happened to our mother. I've never let myself because I had to be strong for Eztli, I couldn't risk her seeing me break down. Not to mention seeing your Alpha cry tends to be bad for a Pack's moral, so I always hid the worst of my emotions." He looked out at the forest that surrounded the cabin and finished, "So I figured that now, away from everyone with no risk of anyone seeing me other than you, would be a good time to finally let it out. I had hoped to be done with it before you got up though, but I figured if I couldn't it wouldn't be a big deal with you."

████Cavan smiled at his mate, and lightly kissed her shoulder. "You know, Nene, I've never told anyone this, not Eztli or even Paion, although she probably knows, but all my life I've battled depression. I mean, I love my family and my Pack, but the only thing my future ever held was most likely loosing the person I cared for most to a monster that I've tried for fifteen years to find a way to get rid of and failed, then still having to run a Pack mostly alone. I never wanted to be Alpha either, I never wanted most of the life I have. But now I have you, now, no matter what happens, I have a future I can look forward to. Even if I loose everything else I have you. You've made me happier than I ever thought was possible, Nene." He smiled and gently pressed his lips to hers, as he did so he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out the little black box Paion had given him earlier and held it to where she couldn't see it before breaking the kiss. "I was gonna plan this out more but I feel like now's the best time, and I know we've already decided on this but you deserve it to be done right. He used his thumb to open the box and held it out in front of her to reveal a white-gold ring with a wolf head holding a diamond in it's teeth. The eye was a sapphire, blue like his markings and favorite color, and there was a ruby an equal distance on the other side of the diamond, red like her hair and her favorite color. "Will you marry me, Nene?"
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