What were you like as a kid?

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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by JT2012 »

oh my gosh my childhood was interesting? well i was kind of a mixture of personalities. i didnt have multiple personality disorder but i liked alot of things, i was a little bit of a geek, alittle gothic, i loved all sorts of books till i got hooked on tv and yes the internet, then my geekiness went away for a while and i started acting like a weirdo and always did funny things. then i became one of those popular sort of girls (which was no fun) and was some sort of follower to like the queen popular girl lol, and now i just love animes which is something alot of my friends dont like and i love sports, sometimes books if their myth type books, going to parties! lol, and well just being me and I have alot of diffrent personalities and i dont care if someone doesnt like me because of it. i have a weird story for you guys, one day when i was just a baby i was takeing a bath in the sink then my mom left me there and went and did something that i forgot and i rolled off the counter. guess wat happned next? my brother didnt take out the trash and i fell in! im so lucky my brother was lazy. :)
Last edited by JT2012 on September 11th, 2012, 6:34:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by iRilo »

Oh, those days. Wait, that was only a few years ago. Whatever, here we go.

I'll start with Kindergarten. Hmm, kids were nice, had a lot of friends, and we built sandcastles as recess.

First grade is when everyone was changing. I was getting laughed at for being small, nerdy, and other silly reasons. We were all kids, I know, but parents need to teach children respect.

Second grade was much better, we learned cursive and had snacks every Friday.

Third grade is another grade-changing-thingomabob. Everyone was being moved into groups, it seemed. There was a popular group, where all the soccer kids went (and now it's football kids xD). The 'nerds' had their own group, and the rest...Well, I don't know.

Fourth grade was horrible, don't remember anything and don't really want to...

Fifth grade. Eeeh, the popular group got smaller and the nerd group got bigger. The scene and emo groups started rising up in the later year of fifth grade. I also moved to a different town and went instantly to the bottom of the popular list. I didn't know anyone at all, and to make it worse, it was in the middle of the year.

That's all for elementary. For middle school...Eh, it sucks.
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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by KaiteWolf4 »

When I was a kid...man. Looking back I really hated myself XD I was so stupid! not in that way, I was pretty good in school, but all the stuff I got myself into and my way of thinking was just...wow.
First off my interests are WAY different then they are now, like I hated anime (didn't like the art style for some reason), I absolutely HATED rock/metal (so yeah, I listened to Hannah Montana *shiver* and junk), and I was just...wow. But now it's the complete opposite. Anime and heavy metal music are like my life...
who was I when I was a kid????? I didn't even know how I changed so drastically, but I don't think it was over night. I think it was the people I hung out with for a time, and my dad getting out of jail and going to rehab and...just me getting older and learning many new things, especially learning how to give things a try instead of just blowing them off because of one little thing :lol:
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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by sapphireswan »

Looking back I was a complete brat. I wouldn't necessarily cause problems but I was a little too rude and disrespectful to those around me.

In first grade I was fine, a good girl. I remember at the time my family lived in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and my schools playground had playground equiptment on one side, and a large dusty field with little tufts of dry grass sticking out on the other. My friend and I would run around that field and try to catch grasshoppers.

Second grade, my family had moved to Georgia. My family is a military family. My school was, not the best of schools. It was sort of situated in the ghetto. I remember having to go through drills in which the situation was if someone came to our school with a gun. It was pretty scary for me. My teachers were horrible, not that they weren't smart. It was that they were mean :( Call me biased but I swear the only reason I got a B in second grade math was because my teacher didn't like me :lol:

Third grade was the greatest :D My family moved to Germany. It was a little scary, but I loved it. This was around the time I began becoming a brat. I had made friends with the 'popular' girls...(Popular girls in 3rd grade :lol: If only we knew...) It wasn't long until the Alpha of our group moved, making me 'leader of the pack' so to speak. I was never in a physical fight, but I did begin yelling matches with the people I didn't like. It wasn't necessary but at the time...gosh I was so mean!!

Fourth Grade was horrible. My teacher Mrs. Fava (Yes like the bean) swore I had an 'attitude problem' even called my parents in for a parent-teacher confrence. They figured the reason I wasn't paying attention in class...which I was, every kid has problems with fractions! was because I wasn't getting enough sleep. So my mother put me on vitamins...little did they know that 'vitamins' wouldn't solve that problem seeing as I have narcolepsy :lol: (Seriously though.)

Fifth Grade I had my favorite teacher Mrs. Hytch. She was a southern belle, anyone could tell by her accent, and the way she held herself. I became more introverted and shy at this time. I guess I would have been labeled 'Emo.' But I did still maintain my status as 'Alpha.' I would still yell at people, and still caused disrespect. I never once gave any thought to how others might feel, nor did I care really.

I really wish I could go back in time and yell at myself to stop being such a pitiful, little brat. I could have made some really good friends if I had not been so mean.
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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by shadowsmudge »

What were you like as a kid? I started reading at three and books molded my life from there on out.

Were you a happy kid, or angry? Oh, I was a very happy kid. I tried to make friends with everybody.

Did you stand up for yourself? I never really had to, believe it or not.

Were you easy to get along with? I think I was easy to get along with because (see next line).

Did you have a lot of friends or enemies? I had a lot of friends and very few enemies.

What kind of things did you like as a kid? Books, dogs, horses, and magic!

What kind of obsessions did you have? DOGS! And I led our little neighborhood band in the successful attempt to build a fort 3x the size of my bedroom with walls 2 feet high (walls were made out of fallen branches dragged into heaps, so this is more impressive than it sounds. Think 3ft wide and 2ft tall). Years later, this fort still stands, unvaquishable.

What were your hobbies? Reading.

What kind of games did you play? We played Narnia alllll the time. Unfortunately, due to the ages and genders of us kids, I was always forced to be Susan. I really only wanted to be Peter. :) When we weren't playing Narnia, we fought of hordes of magical enemies with our dragons, unicorns, gryphons, etc. We also had a tent trailer we turned into a tank (more vanquishing enemies), plenty of board games, and an endless supply of imagination to provide hours of free entertainment.

Did you believe in magic? *Yes*

Do you have any fun or interesting stories? I always wanted a dog. I could/can name every AKC recognized breed and then some. I never got dog. Turn 18, annnd, yup. My sister gets a dog.

And, of course, do you think how you acted as a kid reflects who you are now? Yes. I am on my way to being a K-9 cop. Still obsessed with dogs and fighting bad guys. :3
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Re: What were you like as a kid?

Post by SaphiraDream »

Hmm... when I was 5 I dressed up as Barney the Dinosaur and put a pot on my head. POTS!

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