Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by EnderGirl »

I have a whole wack of fears. Mainly mottephobia and lepidopterophobia, (the fear of moths and the fear of butterflies). I dunno why I couldn't have been scared of something actually dangerous or scary, my brain just pulled nope and decide I would be afraid of little winged sky demons instead. :derp:
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by PeachJuice »

I am scared of water ever since I almost drowned when I was a kid during summer camp. I don't mind swimming in a pool with someone I trust but if it's a lake or water you can't see the bottom it takes me a lot of convincing to get me into the water. It sucks because I really like marine life, I think fishes and jellyfishes are the cutest but I can't help it... :c

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by RubyNightShade »

I'm terrified of heights. I'm so scared that I can't even walk along the second floor of the mall without freaking out.

My craziest fear is fear of constellations. I know intellectually that they're not going to fly out of the sky and attack me, but I still get the shivers when I look at one T_T
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by cat4139 »

I have very bad arachnophobia. Even the tiniest spiders freak me the heck out. I know I am a giant to them and everything but still, they really scare me. It also doesn't help that we live smack-dab in the middle of a high-elevated forest in a hot U.S. state, which means we get all sorts of tarantulas/scorpions/snakes, oof.

Another bad fear is of acrophobia, or the fear of heights. I get scared even going up and down a stepladder, rip.

And perhaps my weirdest fear is Vehophobia, or the fear of driving. I have bad anxiety, and something about driving just makes me nervous. I am so afraid that I will be in the middle of the road one day, and I will completely forget what to do. Like, forget which lane is the turn lane, which is the right/left lane, etc. (I have a hard time differentiating between right and left under pressure). I am also afraid that I will be driving at night one day, and someone with no lights/bright clothes will walk out into the road, and I will hit them. So yeah, no driving for me thanks lol.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by MysticNate »

Skeletons... They scare the heck out of me and I sometimes practically ruin myself when I am clicking a link, turning a page or watching a tv show and a skull pops up. Now cute skeletons are fine and in fact a few skeleton pets here rock and I wanna get em (skelion comes to mind) but for most part they freak me out unless specifically geared to be cute.

Also hieghts I get dizzy... And the dark after watching 80s Amityville.... I'm horrified of the dark now...
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by RubyNightShade »

MysticNate wrote:Skeletons... They scare the heck out of me and I sometimes practically ruin myself when I am clicking a link, turning a page or watching a tv show and a skull pops up. Now cute skeletons are fine and in fact a few skeleton pets here rock and I wanna get em (skelion comes to mind) but for most part they freak me out unless specifically geared to be cute.
I share this fear. I've been afraid of skeletons since I was a little kid, then when I was high school I had to sit in the front row in biology class, with a model skeleton directly in front of me! I think it actually helped me get over my fear a little bit, but skeletons still give me the creeps.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by MysticNate »

Speaking of skeletons a Image is perfectly fine to look at a grey kreempan beest (which I am not linking!!!) freaks me out.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by CondemnedSoul »

I have claustrophobia and I also have a fear about going to far in the ocean or a river, lake etc and not knowing whats underneath me (creature wise). Same is true for being in murky water.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Sassenach »

I didn't realize the extent of my phobias until I stepped out of an abusive relationship and realized just how uncomfortable I am with things that aren't related to my traumas. Like, specifically the sound of human teeth when they clack together, and amnesia?? Idk, man. They're pretty weird. It sends me into a genuine panic whenever I encounter instances of either.

I guess I'm arachnophobic, but I also appreciate the little wolf spider that keeps the flies out of my office. As long as he stays in his corner. Once he comes into mine, it's game over. Sorry, bud.

I recently discovered that I'm cleisiophobic rather than claustrophobic, which means I have a fear of being locked in an enclosed space. I'm a bartender and the bar I work isn't particularly spacious. I don't mind the squeeze, even when there are four or five of us working on martini night. It was being locked in the bathroom by accident at closing one night that I 100% did not enjoy. My husband had to come get me from work because I was so out of it when a coworker finally let me out... RIP

Offhand, and this one was developed after the abusive relationship, I'm genophobic. (I'll leave that one to be googled, out of respect for youngins.) I'm openly and proudly asexual, but as soon as it's even implied in my direction, I nope right out. Just me?
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Nuitari »

Well... one of the phobies I have is something saddly no one in my family manages to relate to and I'm pretty anoyed when they smile about it only because I personally don't find it funny or cute...

Well the thing is as I found out it's name years later is: Ancraophobia, also called sometimes anemophobia, I knew it under the later name. It is a fear from the wind and I have no clue why I have it as my mind just loves reminding me of traumatic childhood events like bullying, mental breakdown at 8 when I lost the only family member (my grandfather) who actually spent time with me and understood me as everyone dotted on my new little sister... It is an annyoing fear, at least one of my friends who is afraid of crossing bridges which stand above water understands me. I was accomanying her home one night and we crossed the bridge leading to where her doorm was in record time. Me due to the wind and her because of the bridge we had to cross.

My other fear developed thanks to me being actually a pretty sickly child all the way till I entered the 8th grade in short Nosocomephobia. I had the worst people treat me at times, wakind up with three after a surgery and seeing a bright light and shining red all around is not fun. At least I don't have anything against blood, but my other experiences were not better. Also if you are a sick kid who had to be hospitalised in the city nearly a two hours drive away from your home village don't expect to see your parents there every day for several hours because there is a few months old fussy baby that needs attention. Did I mention that it turned out that I got even overdosed on the medications at 3? Another doctor noted it by a check up that I got to swallow more pills then it would have been healthy for an adult, some even had hormons in them. Great job.

So the above phobia become appearent that I avoided entering hospitals after my sicly years, even if my family visited someone I stayed in the park beside the building, but one day one of my friend's injured her hand and it needed to be stiched and I accompanied her. Let's just say that I went with her everywhere except when she got the stiches as the place needed to be sterile, nearly ended up in treatment myself. I was by the end actually pretty chill as all feelings wanished and I felt like I was floating.... my frind on the other had was freaking out as she was not able to feel my pulse or see me breath. (it was summer so I wore a top and neither she nor the nurse or doctor saw my chest move even an inch)
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