Deepest Reaches OOC

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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

Alright then. :yarly:

So, if anyone happens to make one, then you defiantly have to put the link on here and we'll defiantly all work one that one document. Defiantly. :yarly:
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Fang »

Metal, cut that out.
+Good and evil are always at war inside you+
-That's rough, buddy-
\Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times/
#Down ya go#
>It's a giant mushroom... maybe it's FRIENDLY!<
~I laugh at gravity all the time. Haha! Gravity~
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

Yeah, sorry, couldn't resist.

Can you make it so that only specific people can edit the Titanpad? It'd be problem if random people are editing the thing. :yarly:
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

*leans back and waits* I prefer just posting, but if you guys really wanna do this, I'm up for it.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Duragi »

I'm with Silver on this one. Seems too... complicated.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by songbreeze »

I can't remember but I'll look into it-normally the only people who can see are the ones you give the link too.

And it's not that complicated-it's posting without posting. If you're in a rush to move on to a new chapter, it saves space and time. Look-here's one example of a multi person post. We don't have to do it this way, or we can and just color code our charries so we know who posted what. It works really well if it's a battle scene-like this one was.

It's the longest co-post I've seen in a while, but the four writing it have Gods/Goddesses as characters and they're fighting a dragon. It saved time and about four days of posting. They all were on at different times, but they got it done in like a day.

And don't try reading all of it. That's more than I did. Skim read and take note of where the characters changed over. That's normally how co-posting is done. Other groups do it a little differently but that's the basic way of doing it.
(Enormous co post between Doc, Beta, Laya, and Locke)

Wait a second... they actually bought that shit? This was too much! "Gimme!" said Cruor as he grabbed both Vantas' bleeding finger and Kavi's wounded hand. Kneeling, he tightly squeezed Vantas' hand and Kavi's wrist. The increase in blood flow was instantly apparent, and the crimson liquid dripped freely into the blood god's waiting mouth. He knew what was about to happen, and so did Vantas. Kavi and the new guy however... had no clue.

By this point, Cruor was pumping his grip on the hand and wrist of his allies, drawing as much blood from them as they would allow him to consume. He would need it... as he would need both the strength boost AND the regenerative properties that consuming increased amounts of blood would afford him. The new god seemed eager to fight as well, but only time would tell if they were any good... or get themselves abandoned like the ice queen that Vantas and he had left at the scene of the restaurant massacre.

"Well maybe next time you can give me a little more heads up. If I'm going to help the two of you out, a return would be appreciated." Kavi turned her gaze from Vantas to the God of Bloodshed who was eagerly consuming each of the Chaos god's blood. What exactly the blood would do for him, Kavi didn't know. But considering the beast they were up against, it had better work wonders. She glanced down at Cruor who was still drinking the blood flowing from her hand. "When I said take as much as you want, I meant within reason."

Another reverberation shook the ground around the gods. As the rocks fell around the group, Kavi flung them away with ease before turning to Vantas. "What exacty is our game plan for this? From what I can sense, that thing has no conscience so I'm not going to be able to break it down that way." The Goddess frowned, the creature was too massive for her to rip apart as well, thanks to the mortal form she was in on this blasted planet.

Sibrsikaya watched in awe as they made their strange blood exchange. It was fascinating, he would have liked to have taken part as his blood was especially tasty, anthrax and arsenic pentafluoride coursing through his veins. The Destroyer let out another earsplitting roar, shattering some of the windows of the town Sibriskaya had so sadistically laid to waste. It was a lot of fun hearing the people beg for death.

Some men and women tried to run into sewers for refuge from his delicious poison. Sibsriskya was kind enough to create a cloud of chlorine trifluride that slowly rolled through the sewer tunnels. He heard their screams of gratitude as it slowly corroded away at their flesh and burned their eyes into black, shrivelled pulps. It felt good to be doing such a nice thing for people, most gods wouldn't go out of their way to deliver such unselfishness.

Sibriskaya turned lethargically, making his way into a nearby edifice which used to be a wine shop. He emerged a few seconds later, rolling a barrel he had emptied earlier. Placing both palms on the grubby barrel, he focused, rolling back his eyes as he altered the molecular structure of the air in the barrel. It was as if he could almost hear the sound of hydrogen and carbon atoms slotting together at he created a specific combination of hydrocarbon chains, it was intoxicating. He took his hands off the barrel, staring down at his new creation, his new harbinger of death. The barrel was filled with butane, propane, methane, a deadly trio capable of levelling a small school. Now it was just a case of getting this barrel to the Destroyer.

Vantas snatched his hand away and flicked away the remaining droplets of blood. "Careful now, Cruor, this is a precious material. You've had more than your fill." As he raised another wall of darkness to protect them from falling rubble, his dark eyes followed the newcomer with vivid curiosity. Well, it seems that our new friend here manipulates gas...and he has a plan in mind When he returned with the barrel and reconstructed the gasses, the smile upon Vantas's face widened. A friend indeed.

"Listen well, comrades!" Vantas shouted to them over the roar of the mighty dragon and pointed directly to Sibriskaya with the tip of his spear. "You there, deity. We need more barrels, so I want you to make as many as you possibly can. Kavi," The spearhead turned to her now. "I want you to throw the barrels which our friend provides to you at the Destroyer using your power, preferrably at one of its legs. Take it to the ground."

"Cruor!" Vantas's spear pointed at the God of Bloodshed now, who appeared to be feeling the effects of the Chaos deities' blood. "You and I are climbing that monster." His smile had become quite maniac at this point, teeth bared menacingly. His black-filled eyes were livid with energy, and dark mists tumbled over his eyelids. "What say you?"

Cruor swallowed down the delicious crimson gift his allies had given him, and in turn erupted in power. His muscles bulged out somewhat, his voice deepened slightly, and his eyes became orbs of deep red. "I'd say last one there... isn't having enough fun. With little warning, he grabbed Vantas and lifted him off of the ground. The Blood God torqued his body most violently, the force of the twisting motion hurling Vantas skyward and toward the monster.

Speaking of the monster, it decided then to fire off another of those nasty laser blasts at the town. Three homes and a playground became flame-ridden hells as the blast tore through them. The shockwave caused by the explosion was substantial as well, staggering Cruor despite his enhanced abilities. "This fucker needs to die. New man! GET ON WITH THE EXPLODEYS!"

You know those metal light posts that are in parks? Not the huge ones for street lights, but the smaller ones that line paths what are only like nine feet tall? Yeah, those. Cruor walked up to one and ripped it from the ground, shouldering it like a baseball bat. "Come one, girl scouts. We got a monster that needs this in its ass." he said with a sadistic grin on his face.

A smug smirk spread itself across Kavi’s face as she realized what the newcomer was up to. Explosives, that would surely cripple the beast after a few direct hits. Now it was only a matter of getting the barrels to the monster, and making sure Vantas and Cruor weren’t in the line of fire. “Hey, newcomer, hurry up making those things and bring them over this way.” Kavi had started weaving between the rubble, with the one barrel floating behind her, while trying to find a clear shot straight at the creature’s hind leg.

The Goddess stood on the debris of what used to be a house, but was now reduced to ash and a few burning pieces of wood. Holding up one a piece of burning wood, Kavi glanced at the newest site of destruction the creature had made. “Here goes nothing,” She dropped the flames straight into the barrel filled with gases and sent it rocketing towards the creature. It smashed behind the beast’s left hind knee joint, creating a massive explosion almost initially upon contact.

Once the explosion ensued, rocks and boulders and other debris came flying from the contact site towards the group’s location. To add to the danger, a billowing dust cloud began forming, making it hard to see the incoming projectiles that were crashing around them. Kavi worked through the rocks to get rid of the largest ones that were nearing the group before making an effort to move all of the dust particles from obstructing their view. It took a few seconds of concentration, but the dust was moved and revealed, to Kavi’s distaste, a semi-crippled beast. The explosion had created a crater in its hind leg, but had not took him down to the degree she had wished. “Well fuck this,” she muttered before glancing around for the new deity. “Hurry up with those barrels! I need more to knock the shit out of this thing.”

Before Vantas had time to react to Cruor's antics, he was flying through the air, hurled by the monstrosity that the Blood God had become. He grit his teeth as he traveled headfirst towards the monster, frustrated with Cruor for disrupting his initial strategy. In the midst of his flight, however, he chose to make the best of his situation, and with an elaborate twist as he began to fall towards the Destroyer, Vantas extended his right leg downwards. He became enveloped in a glowing arrowhead of darkness, his descending foot being the point of the bolt. Looks like you're the last one there, Cruor.

The monster released a pained shriek as Vantas collided into its back, erupting a small plume of dust at the impact point. The shriek was cut off as the barrel collided with its hind leg, and an aggressive growl poured from its maw. It took several steps out of the mountain as its glowing purple eyes finally fixed themselves upon the perpetrators of its moderate injury. After a wide blast of violet energy that obliterated a nearby mountaintop, the great dragon jerked its neck and head in a sort of gag reflex. Finally, it regurgitated a dozen boulders large enough to crush cars, crackling with a similar purple energy that seemed to flow within the Destroyer itself.

The boulders crashed into various places surrounding Cruor, Kavi, and Sibriskaya, and after gentle pulses of violet, the boulders unfolded to form tall ten-foot golems of stone. Circular patches of energy were lodged in random places upon their bodies, like chests, heads, and shoulders. As the golems barreled towards the group, several of them paused to fire small beams of purple, similar to the Destroyer's cataclysmic breath, from the pulsating patches.

One by one Sibriskaya slowly rolled out the creaky wooden barrels. He clasped the wood in ecstacy as he filled the barrel with death itself. One, two, three, four, five barrels he filled at great speed. His heart skipped a beat with excitement as the red headed girl flung them at the beast. Destruction, chaos, death... He loved it, he loved all of it, all thanks to his new friends. His breathing grew heavy and erratic as he filled barrel after barrel, on the brink of laughing uncontrollably as he did so.

Why did he stop at just methane, butane and propane. Why not bigger? He grabbed one barrel with a vice like grip, laughter finally breaking through his mask. Once again he began to reorganise the hydrocarbon bonds of the air inside the barrel. Plutonium, and of course unstable fissile uranium. He felt a little energy drain from him as he attempted to create the potent elements, still continuing to laugh histerically at the thought of the anarchy his new creation would bring.

The mortals on this planet had a name for this creation. What was it again? Ah yes...

Inhale. Exhale.

"Atom bomb." He said through chaotic mad laughter.

He would explode everything within a huge mile radius into smithereens, engulfing him and his new friends into a twisted hellfire of nuclear waste. It would be beautiful, beautiful to feel flesh tear from the bone as the mere force of the blast would destroy them in a matter of milliseconds.

Kavi cast a short glance over to the golems the beast sent crashing around them. Did it really expect them to stand a chance against gods? She chuckled slightly before raising up both her arms, an evil look set upon her face. "What a waste," There were a few golems within a close range to Kavi, close enough that much effort wouldn't be needed to toss them away. The first two were easy to sling across the battle ground, but the third and fourth, due to the massive weight of the stone they were made of, was straining Kavi's mind too much. With that strain, Kavi settled on pushing them closer to Cruor, he could take two more on, she was sure. If not, the Goddess of the Mind could push them around enough to give the God of Bloodshed an advantage without making her head explode from the mental weight of moving such massive beings. Before the two golems had a chance to charge back towards the group, another barrel began to levitate and fire was dropped in, just like before, except this explosive was sent at the golems. Another explosion sounded, and all that was left of the two golems were scattered bits of rocks.

“That was easy enough,” Kavi smirked, despite the growing headache she was beginning to get, and then glanced over at the gas God to see how the barrels were coming along, but what she heard him say turned her smirk into an angered, and somewhat horrified, expression. The barrel he was standing over was jerked away from him and Kavi kept it a good distance from them all before confronting the deity. “Hey! What the hell? We’re killing that thing,” she thrust an arm in the beast’s direction. “Not trying to kill us all in the process. Keep the explosives toned down, no fucking A-bombs, you got it?” she brought back the barrel and set it down in front of him. “Get rid of this one, before we all die.”

“Goddamn,” she muttered while moving back to her previous standing position. She looked at the beast, Vantas had made an impact on it as well, but also made her job worse. “Gotta make sure I don’t blow up that bastard.” Two barrels were levitating now, aimed at the same back leg the Goddess hit before. “This ought to bring him down.” The barrels each had fire dropped in them, and followed the same path as the one before, and made direct hits on the hind leg of the beast, finally bringing it down on that side.

Cruor was about to rush the big bad dragon when Kavi sent two chode-licking Golems things his way. Of course she couldn't handle them on her own. ... figures. "Handle the fuckers yourself next time!" yelled the man as he swung the thick metal post as easily as if it were a baseball bat, impacting the torso of the stone creature with several tons of force. It fell apart like a lego tower that had been kicked by a toddler, and Cruor rushed the second one.

This one expected him at this point, and reached out to grab the mad God. Success! It grabbed his left arm and began to crush. "Congrats. You got my arm." the sickening sound of crunching bones was accompanied by blood flowing from the golem's clenched fist. It had destroyed the Blood God's arm beyond use. "I got your body." a twisted smile crept onto his face, despite the injury.

Unable to use the lightpost without his second hand, Cruor clenched his right fist and reeled it back, taking a step forward with his right foot at the same time. Then he would shift his weight, turn his hips, and slam his hand into the center mass of the stone monster. The power of the attack crushed the bones in the Blood God's hand, leaving it a bloody and mangled mess... but the Golem suffered a worse fate, and crumbled just as the one before it had done

Unfortunately, his regeneration was a little slower this time. Yeah, he was still healing so quickly that one could actually see the tendons reattaching, muscle fibers weaving together, and blood vessels sealing up, but he still did not have full use of his left arm. He'd taken maybe a few ounces total from the other two, as opposed to a pint or more during the last skirmish. "Well fuck my ass with broken glass." he grumbled as he stared toward the Destroyer. "Hey, tits! Throw ME at it instead of one of those barrels!"

The Destroyer released an ungodly howl of pain as its hind leg was brought to the ground, the earth thundering as it fell. After a moment of recollecting its wits, however, the great dragon roared again and slammed its enormous tail upon the ground. It clambered to its feet, standing with difficulty on its three remaining legs, and stomped towards the destroyed rubble of Cherdyn. It stopped within one thousand feet of the group and glared at them with its fiery eyes, widening its maw as it prepared to fire a blast point blank at the three deities.

The moment that it fired, however, it reared back with a screech, the purple beam obliterating another mountainside miles away. Its left eye burst with a violet aether, tentacles of darkness stabbing into it from a particular crimson-haired god standing over the dragon's jaws. The God of the Void had his arms crossed with a pool of ink beneath him binding his feet to the stone of the dragon's flesh, a terrifying smile upon his lips. An aura of darkness surrounded him as he exercised his power to the extreme, the massive tendrils of black being many in number.

"How dare you stride upon this mortal plain, you despicable creature!" Vantas cackled from his perch upon the monster's snout as it released another shriek of pain, attempting to shake him off. "I have claimed this as mine, as the Void's, and you still dare to exist?" He extended his hand and snapped, and at that instant, the tendrils of nothingness condensed into a tiny sphere within the wound in the Destroyer's eye, trembled, and then exploded to completely demolish part of the dragon's face.

The Destroyer unleashed a horrifying roar with a blast of purple energy and slammed its snout upon the mountainside, attempting to crush Vantas. The God of the Void surrounded himself in a sphere of nothingness as it collided, throwing up another cloud of dust and debris. When the dragon's glowing maw reemerged, the sphere of darkness had seemingly moved elsewhere.

With a rattling growl, it slammed its front leg upon the ground, causing a great fissure to expand from beneath it. Then, as it fixed its gaze downwards, it breathed a wide purple beam into the gap in the earth. Moments afterwards, the ground began to shake extremely violently, collapsing the remaining buildings of Cherdyn and causing the few surviving mountains to tremble threateningly. The earthquake was almost beyond the Richter Scale, and yet the Destroyer continued to breathe death into the crust of the earth. If the deities didn't do something soon, the entire valley would collapse upon them.

Kavi cast a short glare at Cruor before picking him up from the ground. "Be careful of what you ask," The God was fairly lightweight, and within seconds he was rocketing towards what Kavi guessed would be the general location of the beast's heart, if it had one. Now, with the other two taking care of The Destroyer, Kavi could finally get rid of the remaining eight golems who were gradually making their way towards Kavi's position.

The Goddess dodged a few of the energy blasts that were directed at her and hopped from rubble pile to pile. They were too far spread apart for her to knock them closer together, but Kavi had an idea. There were down electrical wires all over the village and Kavi quickly picked up a dozen or so and stretched them out. The golems were still advancing as the wire was rushed outwards and made a loose circle around them. Pulling the ends taught, the wire hooked and pulled the eight together in a pile. Two barrels quickly made their after the wire, and the explosion destroyed to remaining golems.

Kavi turned to now face The Destroyer who was threatening to destroy the entire valley the gods were in. Its purple breath was being blasted into the earth, and upon seeing that sight, gave Kavi and idea. Moving on quick feet, the Goddess weaved through the destroyed town until she had a direct view of the beast's open mouth. "Let's see what this will do," Barrel after barrel began flying at the dragon's face. A few crashed into its cheek and one on its nose, before finally one managed to fit in the corner of its mouth, creating a massive explosion that shook The Destroyer's head. "You two finish him off, I'm out of explosives and lost sight of the other god." Kavi yelled out to the others, hoping they would hear her, but not really caring either way. She would stand by for now and take on a defensive role, keeping the Gods safe while they worked to kill off the beast.

First he was raised off the ground. A good start, but couldn't Kavi move him any fas- and then he was careening through the sky toward the "Destroyer" as Van had called it. It was all Cruor could do at the last second to grab the light-post he had torn from the ground. The nerves in his mangled arm were practically screaming as they reattached themselves and returned the limb to full functionality. Just in time, too... for he was staring death in the face.

Turns out, the beast had seen him coming and moved its head down in an attempt to eat the tiny god. Fat fucking chance. "Yeah, nice try you giant piece of shit. Only thing allowed to eat me is whatever lady or dude I'm giving it to!" Torquing his body as hard as he could, Cruor slammed the post into the monster's lower jaw. This sent the god to the side and out of harm's way... just in time for a slew of explosions to tear into its ugly mug. ... if Cruor didn't know any better, he'd think Kavi was trying to kill him AND the Destroyer.

That said, being sent to the side of the monster's head was a twofold blessing. One, he wasn't eaten like so much tasty snack cake. Two, he was right next to the bastard's throat. "You've been a real pain in the neck." grumbled the blood god as he reached out and grabbed onto a boulder-like scale. "Allow me to return the favor!" Grabbing onto the scale with his still-healing arm was excruciating, but it allowed him to grip the light-post with all his might with the other hand. Then came the fun part, oh yes.

Crushing the metal of the post within his mighty grip, Cruor slammed it between the rock-hard scales of the monster and buried it several feet into its tender neck-meats. What passed for blood spewed forth and coated Cruor's entire body. ... this of course gave him a raging hard-on. The Destroyer on the other hand, was not as pleased by the development. It roared in pain and thrashed wildly. This only worsened the wound, as it jostled Cruor around... with his grip still firm upon the embedded metal implement. "Yeah! Suck my dick, asshole! Holy hell!" He was then tossed loose, and the light-post fell free. ... a horrible occurance for the Destroyer, as now the wound had nothing blocking it, and the crud that coated Cruor's entire body now burst forth freely.

Problem with being thrown free wasn't the dying monster, but the rapidly approaching ground. Obviously, Cruor couldn't fly. This presented a bit of a problem... for you see, ground is hard and people are squishy. Cruor got a lesson in that fact first-hand as he slammed chest-first into the concrete of a local playground after falling from a rather substantial height. A pink mist of blood erupted from his body upon impact, along with what passed for a horrible scream, as best as he could manage with crushed lungs.

Regeneration would begin almost instantly, of course. However that did not make his landing any less uncomfortable. Bones moved back into place, muscles and nerves reattached, organs healed back together, and the whole experience was like being torn apart repeatedly and, well... put back together. At this point, he had no idea the fate of the Destroyer... but truth be told, Cruor was in no position to care. He had done his part, had his fun, got the 'rise' he was looking for, and was overall pretty happy with the day.

As the debilitated dragon swerved its head in apparent exhaustion, Vantas emerged from behind it. His black sphere carried him out from under the creature, and just in time as it thundered upon the ground. Its back paw finally gave out while violet blood poured from its neck and face, a weakened groan crawling from its maw. Vantas's sphere skimmed the surface wide from the dust cloud that emerged after it collapsed, hiding the beast from view. The valley's shaking finally subsided after several mountain ranges had partially collapsed, and all that could be heard was the creature's weak shifting within the cloud of dust.

Is it over? Vantas gazed out from his sphere as it approached the front of the cloud, where the Destroyer's head had been seen last. The entire valley had been completely obliterated by their lengthy battle, and it seemed that the dragon's title did not disappoint. Mountain ranges were destroyed, grasslands set aflame, towns and establishments reduced to naught but rubble. The destruction was incredible to behold, a sight that Vantas took particular pleasure in. I could've used this monster for my own desires. Imagine what Baldramort would do when faced with this great be--

Suddenly, flares of purple illuminated the dust cloud with a wounded scream, and two massive wings emerged from the blanket of particles. As Vantas passed by the cloud, a mass of violet became suddenly visible, and only at the last possible moment did he realize what the violet mass was. How dare you.

The maw of the creature became visible the instant before the jaws closed upon the dark sphere, swallowing the God of the Void into its purple inferno. The wings began to slowly billow, banishing the veil of dust that hid it before. With a great effort and a horrifying roar, the creature rose into the air, and in a burst of unpredicted energy, it flew low over the remains of Cherdyn. The Destroyer had become airborne, and within seconds, it had taken to the skies, flying out of sight high above the clouds to an unknown destination.
Last edited by songbreeze on July 14th, 2014, 1:17:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

Song, a few of us post in first person...third person, I feel like this works really well, but...I dunno. I've done things like this, but they never feel as satisfying. I don't mind if things take awhile, as long as they are done right, you know?
And besides, you know how lazy I am. i like waiting, lets me do other things too. *chuckles* I'll just wait.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by songbreeze »

It works first person too-I've done that before. That's where the color coding comes in and putting the characters name above the paragraphs. -shrug- I just threw the idea out there because that's what we do when we want to save time and space. Haha
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

Well, since we're not all in agreement, we'll put that idea on hold. Maybe try it some other time? :orly:

I have a compulsive need to insert at least one yarly, so here it is. :yarly:

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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

'm more on the fence, but...yeah, I'm good with doing that for any fight scenes...unless you, metal, had plans for a fight we don't know about? :srsly:

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