Deepest Reaches OOC

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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

Assuming metal approves...

Guys, for Beth, keep in mind that while she's obviously missing her pinky and if she goes barefoot her two toes, she's really quiet about why they are, and she's still adjusting to them being gone.
So...Beth probably got picked up about a week ago, which would have been about a week after she lost her digits. She just left one of her better groups of pirates, and got assaulted by a crime boss she kinda pissed off a few years ago. She'd been protected by the pirates, but that protection fled the moment she left. She was basically tortured, and when she was finally let go, they expected her to bleed to death. But she DID survive 12 years with pirates, so she managed to find an old friend who took care of the wounds, nursed her for a week...and then she left and got offered the job. Which she leaped for, because even just a week on a planet makes her edgy and bored. She likes ships, and she likes crews, and she hates solid ground under her feet.

Jayne and Dianna, I assume they were approached after they closed a contract, and they hopped onboard because Dianna (and Jayne, though he's quiet about it) doesn't like this war, and she wants it to end. Raised in a lab and all, she really doesn't care what you are, she cares about who you are. And Jayne worked with a few Delan over the years, he actually kinda likes them.

Now I'm gonna go post for Jayne and Beth, cause that little hotshot of mine is really eager to be written down. Looks like another first-person charrie for me.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

That sounds great. :yarly:

Auber and the Nuban are pretty self-explanatory; they joined the Cossack with Torn and Gabe after the fall of the Feltian colonies. Auber's dad was a famed military man who taught his son to keep an open mind, so due to his tolerance of aliens and the Nuban's lack of prejudice, the two got along great. At first, they rode with Gabe and Torn to get to Weder, but after discovering Arnet 's corruption, felt compelled to put a stop to it.

Also, my time on MS will be limited until Friday due to my redneck aunt and uncle staying for a few days. I'll do my best to keep up.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Fang »

Alright, sounding good guys. :yarly: I'm just gonna say Kori and Blake ended up there about the same time and Blake kind of talked Kori into it, using her hatred of humans to convince her that she'd be more likely to find answers and yada yada.

I'll post tomorrow. :yarly:

Don't worry, metal. Redneck aunts and uncles come first. :yarly:
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Duragi »

I was just gonna say Williams was picked up in a bar because he had a decent reputation for being a good shuttle pilot. :derp:
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

You guys alright if I wait until Friday to post? I know lots of stuff is hanging on me, but I need a little more muse than I currently have. So...that okay with you guys?

Also, votes on what Jayne should cook for their meal?
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Fang »

Totes cool if you wait. I totally get not having muse. :yarly: that's totally why I haven't posted in BtW lately.

But also guys, tell me what I should do to un-bored myself. :derp: Because boredom game strong right now.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

My muse is strong. It'll burn out eventually. :yarly:

They say LSD gives people good ideas, so you could do that to un-bored yourself. :yarly:

Random Fact of the night: You know Lincoln was a racist? It's the darnedest thing. I forget where I read that, but I believe it. :yarly:
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

Thanks guys.

Um...I read really shitty fics for my fandoms and growl and grumble about them...or I just sorta find a game to play. I'm a gamer though, so that's my answer to lots of things.
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by Silvereye »

I hate to do this AGAIN, but I just got home and it's hot and everything's really post will be up either tonight or tomorrow, but it WILL be up this weekend...God, I'm horrible at keeping my word...
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Re: Deepest Reaches OOC

Post by metal »

Eh, it's cool, no rush. :yarly:

Also, I made another character. We'll put her on the crew after their first mission, probably. :yarly:
Last edited by metal on July 11th, 2014, 11:19:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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