Bug-Lover's Club

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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Byakugan01 »

Cassowary wrote:
Isn't that from the genus Sicarius? The sand spiders?

And no, I do not think we have a banner. We're a pretty niche group though.
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by crazyflight »

Byakugan01 wrote:
Cassowary wrote:
Isn't that from the genus Sicarius? The sand spiders?

And no, I do not think we have a banner. We're a pretty niche group though.
We still need a banner. :yarly: I can't make them.
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Cassowary »

Byakugan01 wrote:
Cassowary wrote:[
Isn't that from the genus Sicarius? The sand spiders?

And no, I do not think we have a banner. We're a pretty niche group though.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were, but you seem to know more about spiders than I anyways :p

Banner, banner... hmm... Oddly, I'm not very good at making fancy banners. Sprite? Yeah. Draw? Sure thing. Graphics? NOPE :lol:

It'd be cool if we could have a set of them, with "Mollusk Lover" for some, "Spider Lover" for another, "<3 Beetles" etc...
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by crazyflight »

I agree. It shouldn't be fancy, though. :derr:
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Byakugan01 »

I guessed right, it seems:
Not a genus I would keep as a pet, personally-at least some members of that genus have a medically significant bite, strong enough to at least kill a rabbit. Not that they need to, these guys are bug eaters. Still, they aren't especially aggressive; from what I understand they are on the shy side, so I can see why someone might keep them. I would consider the genus "hot" until I knew more about the specific members.

I have seen people keep much hotter spiders though.
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Cassowary »

D'aww, that was adorable. It was making its bed ^_^

The stuff you can get is ridiculous, really. Stuff much "hotter" than that spider. A friend of mine was looking for scorpions online and found a species that could apparently spray poison and were highly aggressive, and the site selling them didn't say anything about that.

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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Byakugan01 »

Mind telling me the name of the site he got it on? People on Arachnoboards might want to know of it-last time I checked, selling a hot species without the buyer knowing of it is highly irresponsible. Funny thing is, I do not believe ANY of the scorpion species which can spray venom. Whip scorpions CAN spray, but they are not true scorpions and what they spray is more or less just acetic acid last time I checked. Could you get the common name of this scorpion from your friend, if not the scientific name?

Also, here: Some people keep the genus Phoneutria as pets. Granted, not all of the species appear to be "hot" per say, but some of them are hot. They ARE beautiful spiders though. They're unrelated to tarantulas though-Phoneutria are araneomorphs, while tarantulas are myglamorphs.
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Cassowary »

I should be seeing him tomorrow so I'll ask then - which reminds me, I need to make poster stuff for the exhibit, argh. @__@

Here's a video I found though of a spraying scorpion:


In regards to the exhibit I just mentioned, in town every year we have an "Insect Fear Film Festival" with a different theme; it's lots of fun, with live insects on display (as well as dead ones), an art contest, and showings of whatever B-movie has been chosen. My club's making a poster on ants since that's the theme, and I was supposed to draw an ant-natomy poster.
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by Byakugan01 »

Err...how long do you have to do the poster?

Edit: Hmm, on the banners...maybe we could buy a few from some of the artists on the site?
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Re: Bug-Lover's Club

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Do rays could as invertebrates? because I have no idea

So, I have a story.
A really stupid story.

I came downstairs last summer to my father running around the living room flailing a tupperware over his head, trying to catch something. I asked him what the heck he was doing. It turns out, he was chasing a moth that had flown into our house somehow, so he caught it and then shoved the tupperware into my hands. Inside it was this:
Its a tiger moth. Somehow, a tiger moth got into my house. How, I will never know :derp: Probably through the garage.

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