Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by Dauntless »

I honestly hate rock and such. That is why me and my dad are never in a car together listening to the radio.
What I hate though is heavy metal. Bassically, there not singing, there yelling. It's just not the kind of music I can imagine anyone liking. The lyrics are so hard to understand because the music is drowning their voices. The music isn't really all very good either. They go overboard with everything.
What I tell you next better not make you suspect about my gender, my favourite music is pop. I mean like Brittney Spears, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, etc. But with the exception of Justin Bieber. I like listening to their voices more than there music. That is probably why I don't like Justin Bieber. Their voices really get my attention.
LMFAO is different. I really like their music, but is it pop? They use a variety of music which makes lots enjoy it. However, they are the worst rolemodel ever. Has anyone seen that little boy who sang "I got a Russian in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it....." Thats what he said. The normal lyrics aren't very good either. Their music is good but has a bad influence.
I LOVE country. And with pop and country together, who do I love? Taylor Swift. Whenever one of her songs come out I am very excited. She just really brightens the mood with her voice.
Here are the lyrics to one of her latest songs, "The Story of Us."
"Oh, a simple complifaction, miscomunication leads to follow.
So many things that I wish you knew, too many walls of I can't break through!"
That is my favourite part. The song is about Taylor Swift and a boy as usual, and he starts to avoid her and she gets angry and eventually they brake up. You would know because at the end of the song she sings "The End."
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by BradTheMad »

I'm very eclectic when it comes to music though I do have personal dislikes. I cannot stand most popular pop-music(The single of the week kind of songs annoy me) or rap and R&B(love old rhythm and blues though I don't get why they use that name for that modern stuff).

My main genres are classical(from opera to modern classical), Klezmer, Hasidic Nigguns, Goth, Industrial, Techno-Industrial, Jazz, old school Blues, some Country, Bluegrass, Rock and Metal in all its forms. I can easily listen to classical and move on to a NIN song the next and when that's over put on religious music. :lol:

To me the composition, the feelings the music evokes in me and lyrics are the most important and I find those sorely lacking in most popular groups today. I just cannot personally feel any connection with teenage love songs or happy let's dance in a field of flowers songs.
That doesn't mean I only listen to songs that are all dark and negative but I cannot stand what I personally find to be "naive music". I'm not much of a music in the background listener, for me music is a complete immersion into another state.

I have a huge collection of music and if I get visitors I always have something that they like. Some of my favorite bands are far from religious and people find it amazing that I listen to them but IMO it's about the music and what I get out of the song. I have some songs most would find pretty offensive but I can look through that and see what is meant by the artist. It's mostly just critical towards religious systems and not so much meant as actual blasphemy.
The bands and artists I listen to on a monthly basis are: Nine Inch Nails(I'm a Ninny ie. huge fan of them and have even been to their concerts), the Crüxshadows, Smashing Pumpkins, Daniel Ahaviel(seriously look him up on YouTube if you like the violin!), Giovanni Sollima, Ithzak Perlman, Absurd Minds, Aesthetic Perfection, Tarja Turunen, BlutEngel, Mortiis, Mudvayne and well the list could go on forever. XD
Silberwind wrote: Some days ago i bought Robert Downey jr.'s CD "The Futurist" and i really like it. But i had some problems with interpreting the lyrics (not only because i'm from Germany).
Do you know his songs and could help me with the meaning?
I've looked up the lyrics and they are indeed really weird! It is very poetic so what he means I'm not too sure, maybe somebody has read an interview with him somewhere that might help?
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by Silberwind »

BradTheMad wrote:I've looked up the lyrics and they are indeed really weird! It is very poetic so what he means I'm not too sure, maybe somebody has read an interview with him somewhere that might help?
That's what i thought as well, it's poetic not only random words. Can anybody help? The idea of an interview is great, i'll search a bit in You Tube.

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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by anyanka »

I'm very flexible in my music tastes, although I do prefer some genres above others. Amongst my favorites are some of the heavier styles like black/heavy metal, but also certain kinds of emo, punk, goth and rock. My kind of music usually has some form of message or 'morale' (if a song can have that). My favorite band is Evanescence, I really do adore Amy Lee. I also listen to some Dimmu Borgir, a Norwegian symphonic black metal band. Avenged Sevenfold is also really good.
Some kinds of music that I cannot stand is the mainstream stuff. The kind of music that 'everyone' listens to. Sure, if I like the song I'll listen to it, but if it goes out of fashion I'll not dismiss it immedeately. It's just that most of the songs are repetive and with meaningless lyrics. Sure, there is good pop, like Lady Gaga for example. I really have a problem with 'sugar-sweet popettes', though. The ones like Britney Spears and Taylor Swift is just, ugh.
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by RavenSkyfire »

GothicAngel wrote:I'm very flexible in my music tastes, although I do prefer some genres above others. Amongst my favorites are some of the heavier styles like black/heavy metal, but also certain kinds of emo, punk, goth and rock. My kind of music usually has some form of message or 'morale' (if a song can have that). My favorite band is Evanescence, I really do adore Amy Lee. I also listen to some Dimmu Borgir, a Norwegian symphonic black metal band. Avenged Sevenfold is also really good.
Some kinds of music that I cannot stand is the mainstream stuff. The kind of music that 'everyone' listens to. Sure, if I like the song I'll listen to it, but if it goes out of fashion I'll not dismiss it immedeately. It's just that most of the songs are repetive and with meaningless lyrics. Sure, there is good pop, like Lady Gaga for example. I really have a problem with 'sugar-sweet popettes', though. The ones like Britney Spears and Taylor Swift is just, ugh.

Sound like you and me have alot in common music wise!!! If you like Dimmu, try Carach Angren (they are Dutch SBM) if you haven't already!! Seregor has a creepy voice that goes great with the ghost story lyrics they use! Another good one is Anthelion but they are a little hard to understand unless you speak Tiwanese (sp?), but the music is good. Limbonic Art is a good one too. Someone tried to tell me that Fleshgod Apocolypse was SBM but there is no way I'm gonna fall for that one! They are some very crunchy technical deathmetal and the drummer is an absolute BEAST when it comes to drumming!!

I just love music of almost every sort!!!
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by flamekaat »

I love a lot of music. Mostly rock, Jpop pop, metal and anything that makes overabusable speakers thrum. However here is a corny song I Like that plays constantly in amidst the crummy mix we have on the overheads at work. I like this one mostly for the one lyric. "Let the bad guy win every once in a while" <3
This is the first video I ever watched of my favorite J artist Miyavi. I adore you MIyavi <3 :t-glomp: :t-hugs:
This is something my wise and complex bartender of awesome shared with me. He has interesting musical tastes
And of course a classic popular when I was in 7th grade :yarly:
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by Cassowary »

Will someone please explain dubstep to me, and whatever "drop" is? I am rather confused about all this dub/anti-dub stuff going around on the internet.
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by anyanka »

RavenSkyfire wrote:
GothicAngel wrote:I'm very flexible in my music tastes, although I do prefer some genres above others. Amongst my favorites are some of the heavier styles like black/heavy metal, but also certain kinds of emo, punk, goth and rock. My kind of music usually has some form of message or 'morale' (if a song can have that). My favorite band is Evanescence, I really do adore Amy Lee. I also listen to some Dimmu Borgir, a Norwegian symphonic black metal band. Avenged Sevenfold is also really good.
Some kinds of music that I cannot stand is the mainstream stuff. The kind of music that 'everyone' listens to. Sure, if I like the song I'll listen to it, but if it goes out of fashion I'll not dismiss it immedeately. It's just that most of the songs are repetive and with meaningless lyrics. Sure, there is good pop, like Lady Gaga for example. I really have a problem with 'sugar-sweet popettes', though. The ones like Britney Spears and Taylor Swift is just, ugh.

Sound like you and me have alot in common music wise!!! If you like Dimmu, try Carach Angren (they are Dutch SBM) if you haven't already!! Seregor has a creepy voice that goes great with the ghost story lyrics they use! Another good one is Anthelion but they are a little hard to understand unless you speak Tiwanese (sp?), but the music is good. Limbonic Art is a good one too. Someone tried to tell me that Fleshgod Apocolypse was SBM but there is no way I'm gonna fall for that one! They are some very crunchy technical deathmetal and the drummer is an absolute BEAST when it comes to drumming!!

I just love music of almost every sort!!!
Thanks, I'll try some when I need more stuff to listen to! :D Right now I have some ear problems, which limits the time I can actually listen to stuff. But on the other hand, I've discovered a love for symphonic/power metal, like Nightwish and stuff :D It's different from what I'm used to, and I really like it a lot! :D
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by Madd »

I have a spotify playlist in my signature that contains some good music.

Luke Haines - Nine and a Half Psychedelic Meditations on British Wrestling of the 1970s and Early 80s
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Stage Whisperer
Starfu--er - Jupiter

and many more.

I like a variety of things. Some rock from the sixties to the nineties, and some electronic music and indie rock from the past ten or fifteen years.
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Re: Music: Likes, Dislikes, New Discoveries, Genres

Post by ToxicFlame »

I don't have favorite artists or favorite genres. I just have favorite songs, because I like all types of music. Whenever a song speaks to me, I like it. And if it doesn't, then hey it's just not a song for me - it's meant for somebody else. That's how I view it. But I try not to go around saying "Oh I hate jazz" or "I hate screamo/rock/rap" because there are songs that are listed as "screamo" or "alternative" that have wonderful messages to them. One minute I might be listening to Toby Keith, and the next I am listening to Lady Gaga, and a minute later I'm listening to Skillet. I prefer to keep my ears open to other music in the same way I think we should all listen to other people. In the words of Anna Sophia Rob: "Close your eyes, and keep your mind wide open."

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