Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

Oh!!! It's repeatable!

In that case, I don't think there's too much that needs to be addressed. Everything's good in that case!

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

You're about to head into the jungle, putting the bustle of the city at your back, when you hear a shout. You turn to see a woman clad in woolens, which is unusual considering how hot and muggy the air is.

"Greetings," she says. "I heard about you mages. Is it true you have magic?" When you nod, she beams, clasping her hands in front of her. "Please, my family and I are poor, and this is our best chance to turn our fortunes around. We're in debt to Lord Valer for his help constructing our house, and we really need all we can find in the marsh. I hope it won't delay you, but can you use your magic to guide us at least some of the way? We'll share whatever we find. If not, at least perhaps lend us one of your magical creatures for protection?

>Sure. You decide to help the woman and her family some of the way.

>No, I'd rather go on my own.

>Lend her your creature for the day, but go on your own.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

The woman thanks you profusely as your path takes you through the beginnings of the marsh. She grows quiet after a time, clearly tired and set on getting as far as she can. Her children are more energetic, and the two of them orbit you and your mount as they run in circles.

"Thank you again," she says. "It's difficult to make your way in Ageti, but the yearly explorations are our best chance."

"What is life here like?" you ask, stepping over a mushy puddle. Her son immediately jumps in it.

"We spend our days working at the riverside, doing odd jobs. And these two go to school in the village, taught by the elder. It's not like the syndicate schools, but it's the best they have." You nod, feeling lucky to have magic and have trained at the Keep.

"Hey!" One of the children suddenly shouts. "Look at these!"

You hurry over, looking down at the ground. There are shards of shiny stone, probably obsidian, flecked with shiny gems. It looks like something was smashed, maybe a statue. But the child holds something in his hand.

"Look, a frog!"

It is a frog, carved from the same stone, albeit without the flecks of gems.

"This shiny stuff will help us, right mom?" the child says.

"It will." The woman is smiling. "Thank you for your help, mage," the woman says. "It's not much, but would you want a bit of this before you head on your way?"

"No," you say. It's clear she needs it more. "I don't need anything."

"At least take this!" the child says, holding up the frog. "I saw a mage with one just like it!"

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

Leaves and branches crunch under your feet as you enter further into the marsh, as brittle and dry as the burnt flakes of ash you'd find in a firepit. It's as if no rain has come for months, or even years. But strangely, only a few feet away, a stream cuts through the ground, widening into a pool that is covered with a film of green algae before continuing on. Overhead, enormous leaves shaped like the wings of your flying mount completely mask the sky, and the only light that gets through is filtered green. There's no sign of any human habitation, or even any sign that anyone has passed by for a long time. The ground beneath you is a study in contrasts.

You wonder why the course of the water is so precise. You could follow the river, which would probably be safer, or venture into the dry area. Your other thought is to fly overhead and find a path someone else has already mapped out, so you avoid getting lost.

>Follow the dry land.

>Follow the river.

>Fly and find a safer path.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

As evening falls, it's begun to rain, a steady mist that plasters your hair to your head and has your mount blinking at you dolefully. The air has grown colder, and you decide to head back to the city.

You heft your bag and lift off, glad to get out from under the canopy. As you head up, you notice the air has warmed, the temperature changing drastically. The clouds break, revealing a night sky.

How strange. Weather never changes this quickly at the Keep. The air is suddenly very dry, your skin fizzing with goosebumps at the change.

Your mount suddenly twists in midair as a gust of wind hits you both, and you tighten your grip. Wind whistles and howls, and over your shoulder you can see the clouds that once brought rain blowing away into the distance. Below you, the canopy lashes, revealing dark spots in the jungle. It's pretty, and the wind thrills you, but you probably need to get back before it gets too rough.

Stay and ride the winds for a while. You might see something cool.

Head to the ground as fast as you can.

Fly low and slow over the trees for safety.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

You hang on tight to your mount, using all of your training to keep aloft and stable. The wind howls louder, and your eyes water. The sensation is like diving straight down to the ground as fast as possible, but you're merely trying to stay in place. Your mount's wings shake with effort.

You realize your mistake when the winds start to circle, your mount being pulled into a slow moving circle. You fight to break out of it, but it's too late. The tornado forms quickly, pulling you and your struggling mount into its funnel. There's nothing to do now but ride it out.

You lay low on your mount's back, hoping that the small tornado gets no larger. The wind screams, and you are about to panic when something grabs you.

It's a rope, that has wrapped itself around you and your mount. You don't fight it as you are pulled down below the tree line, shivering and shaking.

You see a woman, clearly native to Taggelisk, who shakes her head at you. "The wind tunnels that form at dusk and dawn don't touch the ground," she says, pointing up. "That was foolish." Above your head, the air still rotates, and the bushes and trees lash, but it's safe. You nod, grateful to her.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

OWO and now I've gotten back to the place where the fire kitsunes are! It's a randomly generated adventure and I enjoy it very much!

I'll wait for someone to arrive this time.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

You pause and watch the lights for a time, watching them bob and weave in what might be a pattern or might just be wishful thinking. They could be normal swamp gases, but you really don't think so.

Soon enough, you see another mage from the Keep, heading back from the marsh. Their bag of odds and ends isn't nearly as full as yours, and pride fills you.

As they get closer, you make out who it is, and freeze.

Archmage Thane.

"Greetings," he says, and you nod in response. You never imagined the Archmage would be here!

You're not sure what to say, but the Archmage seems to have sensed your curiosity. "Students are not the only ones curious about the world around them," he says with a smile. "And it's not often the Keep has the opportunity to establish diplomatic ties with new countries."

"That's good to know," you say. You regret comparing your acquisitions with his. "I was curious about something else, actually." You hold up your hand as a light floats by. "Do you know what these are?"

The archmage looks around him, his gaze following the dancing lights. "I have theories. They remind me of Merues lights - magic lights from deep in Silva Forest, who will help people remember their pasts. They do not resemble them in every way, though, so I imagine their effect may be different."

You try to catch one, but it floats away. "Memories of their pasts?"

"Indeed. Individuals who are open to it can experience memories of their past, as though they are a child again. The effect is anecdotal, of course - few studies exist. But perhaps more organized studies of these could be organized." He waves a hand, and the lights swirl. "Their power seems more potent. Perhaps they store more distant memories."

"Interesting, Master," you say.

"But now is not the time for experiments. It's getting dark, and I'm sure you have many new discoveries to show to Carise. Make the Keep proud."

With a nod, the Archmage heads toward the city. You wait, grateful for the chance to meet him and amazed at all the things in the world left to be discovered.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by audrei9 »

Your explorations have been long and tiring, but fruitful. Its dark when you return to the city, and you see many caravans pulled up outside the city gates, and a few people who look to have camped out just outside, eager to explore again the following day.

You spot other magis gathered around a familiar person - Carise. She looks up as you approach.

"So, let's see what you've found and review." She nods as you tell her of your explorations. "The Syndicate is grateful. We would be happy to offer you a creature egg from our own collections. You mages can make more use of them than we can, and we hope this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship. Come back tomorrow if you'd like to explore again."

And just like that it's over! Nice.

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Re: Pasting missing/ incomplete quests here

Post by Rosehill »

The "Explore Taggelisk" is not the same quest as the quest with preface "Taggelisk", and thus the "Taggelisk" quest doesn't have incomplete information within the library. :P

Posting multiple posts one after another is also against the site rules, so if you want to post the quest texts of quests that are not yet in the Library please refrain from multiposting. You can edit a post once you go further in the steps. That would also make it more easy to follow and readable for others interested in seeing what each quest has.

I'm going to lock this here topic but if you want to collect the texts instead of waiting for them to appear in the library feel free to start a new thread with the multiposting rule in mind. ^_^

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