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Re: Stereotypes

Post by rowantree »

I've been called names like dumb blonde so many times I can't even count ... just because somebody deccided that one girl in some bar in the middle of knowhere was dumb (and blonde) so suddenly every other girl with simular hair color is one , what's up with that?

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by aleniakalain »

I personally can't understand how stereotypes can exist :tard:
I wouldn't be able to put someone into a category without knowing them even if I wanted to, it seems weird and illogical to me.
My mind usually works in the other way around: instead of putting someone into a stereotype category at the first meeting, I usually do it after I know them well and I can say without a doubt "yes, they indeed reflect that stereotype".
There are cases in which it happens and it isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means that because of certain reasons you've grown up that way. What is potentially dangerous is how other people use stereotypes to classify people before getting to know their real behavior beforehead.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Leania »

Stereotypes, oh jeeze. I can take or leave this, since I do stereotype though I try not to. I'm not perfect, and I'd like to think people respect me more for admitting to my flaws. I don't just leave it, and I do try to educate myself. I've been on the receiving end of stereotyping a lot. I'm overweight, blond, and wear blue jeans and t-shirts. So everyone assumes (because of common stereotyping) I'm lazy, stupid, and have no sense of fashion. Okay, I'm a bit lazy (I just like to stay indoors), but I've been to college, had a Trig class, and love chemistry (possibly even physics, but I've never been introduced into it) and I just prefer jeans; I also don't have many nice places to go that requires dressing up. I'm a housewife/mom, the most I do is walk down the street/bike trail with my son.

Most people have a hard time believing I like rock of different types (I go from Christian Rock [DC Talk] to Rob Zombie/Marylin Manson in a blink). I rather enjoy stumping people and making some bluster in their incorrect assumptions about me.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by BBkat »

aleniakalain wrote:I personally can't understand how stereotypes can exist :tard:
I wouldn't be able to put someone into a category without knowing them even if I wanted to, it seems weird and illogical to me.
My mind usually works in the other way around: instead of putting someone into a stereotype category at the first meeting, I usually do it after I know them well and I can say without a doubt "yes, they indeed reflect that stereotype".
There are cases in which it happens and it isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means that because of certain reasons you've grown up that way. What is potentially dangerous is how other people use stereotypes to classify people before getting to know their real behavior beforehead.
How do they exist? Because we exist. All stereotypes have some basis in reality, so people do/did/have acted they way the stereotypes suggest at one point in time so then people assume that's how all people of a certain gender/race/colour/ethnicity/religion act.Plus, it's usually the negative ones that get all the publicity.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by crazyflight »

BBkat wrote:
aleniakalain wrote:I personally can't understand how stereotypes can exist :tard:
I wouldn't be able to put someone into a category without knowing them even if I wanted to, it seems weird and illogical to me.
My mind usually works in the other way around: instead of putting someone into a stereotype category at the first meeting, I usually do it after I know them well and I can say without a doubt "yes, they indeed reflect that stereotype".
There are cases in which it happens and it isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means that because of certain reasons you've grown up that way. What is potentially dangerous is how other people use stereotypes to classify people before getting to know their real behavior beforehead.
How do they exist? Because we exist. All stereotypes have some basis in reality, so people do/did/have acted they way the stereotypes suggest at one point in time so then people assume that's how all people of a certain gender/race/colour/ethnicity/religion act. Plus, it's usually the negative ones that get all the publicity.
I personally disagree with the bolded statement. I've heard the most ridiculous stereotypes. Apparently Italians shower twice a week. If an Italian does it, okay, but cultures don't reflect actions unrelated to religion, tradition, etc. Taking a shower/bath, everyone aesthetically does sometime. Are all Americans obese? No. An increasingly large number of the population is. But not everyone has high cholesterol. It's something where you can't put health issues or decision-making into the mix of stereotypes.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by LupisDarkmoon »

Not *all* stereotypes are based in reality, no. But many really are. However, it's not just ingrained in a person from birth. The "Asians are smarter" thing? Well, yeah. My best friend is Asian, and she can't stand the thought of an A-. She gets A's in all her classes and on all her tests. But is she actually smarter than me? (I'm a European mutt)
She's no smarter than I am. But her parents got her math tutoring from a young age and taught her a fantastic work ethic. She studies constantly. If I worked as hard as she, I'd never do badly on tests.
So yes. Asians may seem smarter, and that will perpetuate the stereotype. It isn't a "this race is actually different" thing, it's a "Culture difference" thing.

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Jongarakun »

Crazyflight wrote:For example, "Wow, that must be a woman driver."
On the flip side, if my parents see someone that is driving poorly, they assume that they are:

1. On their phone
2. A man
3. Old

Stereotypes really don't help us as much as they hurt us, but there is still a bit to both. For example, it would be a stereotype to assume that men don't discuss their feelings as much as women. I've met with some very closed-up women and some very talkative men. But for the vast majority, this stereotype holds true. I don't use it to harm, I use it as a warning to not talk about my emotions, lest I make some men there uncomfortable.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by MagicalGhoul »

I'm not sure where I stand on this issue.
In one of my classes, there's this very hyper, very girly, very bubbly, very talkative girl. She's slightly slow when it comes to some things, as in she'll answer a question that was asked five minutes ago and, well, let's just say she isn't the brightest crayon in the box. She's also blonde.
There's another girl in a different class who doesn't get many things, talks in a very spacey voice, is a cheerleader, and also doesn't seem to be the brightest. She's also blonde.
These girls fall into the stereotype. So stereotyping them wouldn't really hurt, would it if it's true?
There's also the issue of people let themselves fall into stereotypes. The stereotype that people who dress in all black are always depressed? It's only there because lots of people who dress in dark colors are depressed. Why? Who knows. Maybe they think that because they are depressed that they should dress in dark colors, like the people on T.V. Or maybe it's the opposite, and they think that if they dress in dark colors they must be depressed. Who really knows, though.
Personally, I do stereotype to some extent. But it's never bad, I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but since so many people fit into stereotypes, it helps me decide what kind of person they appear to be. Typically, though, that idea of the stereotype is easily broken.
On the other hand, I know I get stereotyped a lot. Either because of the way I dress or my "intelligence". I'm either perceived as a goth or a nerd. Now, sometimes it hurts because they don't talk to me for that reason, but those people aren't worth my time. I do like breaking their stereotypes when they actually meet me, though.
So, yeah, I can't decide where I stand on this subject. They're not necessarily good, but not necessarily bad...
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by aleniakalain »

Jongarakun wrote:
Crazyflight wrote:For example, "Wow, that must be a woman driver."
On the flip side, if my parents see someone that is driving poorly, they assume that they are:

1. On their phone
2. A man
3. Old
On this point, there is a weird stereotype going between by brother and his friend according to which apparently the worst drivers are old men with a hat. :lol:
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by abby42474 »

i dont really mind stereo types because i usually have nothing to do with them. :bounce: :roll: :splat: :woo: :crazy:

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