of the Arctic Spirit Family Crest

The of the Arctic Spirit Family

Creator: wystearya
Owner: wystearya

Members: 7

The Arctic Spirit Direwolf Pack was started by Yuki and her mate Siku. Yuki (whose name means snow) and Siku (whose name means ice) live in the harsh Arctic tundra. They work together to raise and protect their precious cubs.

Natives in this land only ever see the pure white Direwolves. It is believed that those of normal coloration simply cannot tolerate the colder temperatures. Most likely the young stand out against the snow covered earth and make for easy prey. Legend says that the albino Dires are reborn spirits of those who have passed on. Local tribes will never hunt the white Direwolves out of both respect and fear.


Lineage RULES:

1. Only ALBINO offspring are to be allowed to grow and be named. All normal color offspring need to be frozen as eggs and released.

2. Lineage members may ONLY breed with other ALBINO Direwolves.

3. Please keep names to the arctic/snow/ice theme.


1st Generation (5)