Veteres Family Crest

The Veteres Family

Creator: Feuerfresser
Owner: Feuerfresser

Members: 45

"Living high up in the Alasre Mountains' foothills down to the Etain Desert, the Veteres Phoenixes grew up in wary distance to the human race. A few Magi were lucky enough to see them flyring across the southern skies while they passed the wide desert range, but not even half of them was near enough to see the small difference in their appearance. Normal Phoenixes, no matter whether streamcaught or wildborn, were totally covered in red and golden feathers, according to their fiery origin. The Veteres, however, were easy to distinguish, having some black spots at the end of their wings.
While most of the travelling Magi were eager to leave the hot area as fast as possible, some stayed long enough to get near those creatures and though even less of them were found worthy, still a few were gifted with an egg of this Phoenixes' race.
Those Magi chose to create a closed community to raise their Phoenixes together and to honor the confidence they obtained."


1st Generation (17)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (8)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (2)