Kinscape Family Crest

The Kinscape Family

Creator: Erika
Owner: stealthxstar

Members: 12

Blight meowed his impatience, he wanted to get this over with already! He loved her, she loved him, why did his family have to make this so hard for everyone? He hated being purebred, just because his parents and their parents, and their parents... and so far back he often lost track when his father would remind him. He loved a black cat, was that so wrong of him? He knew she too was purebred, however her parents did not want to interfere with her life. He always wondered what the almost-feud between the families was, his parents hated her, but her parent's did not care, as long as their daughter was happy. But no, his parents insisted he was crazy, going so far as to try to arrange a mating for him. Finally having thought it through, he was determined to escape his kin! Fluffing out his wings, he prepared to jump out the window. Cries were heard behind him, cats realizing what he was about to do. He turned away, as he jumped out the window, determined to reach him beloved, Keilee.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (2)