Arryn Family Crest

The Arryn Family

Creator: NellaFantasia
Owner: NellaFantasia

Members: 9

House Arryn of the Eyrie first staked their claim on the Vale, a beautiful mountainous land, centuries ago when the Andals invaded Westeros and took it from the First. Since then they have kept their line pure. Jon Arryn fostered Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon as his wards, and the two boys considered him a second father. When Aerys ll Targaryen demanded he hand over the boys for execution, Jon refused and thus began the war of Robert's Rebellion. During this time is when he took Lysa Tully as his mate, a marriage that was loveless and cold. After Robert took the throne, Jon became Hand of the King, but some years later he died, a rumor he'd been poisoned spreading. He had only one child, a sickly son by the name of Robert, who took over in his stead with the help of his mother. Their motto: As High as Honor.


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (3)