Heart Warmers Family Crest

The Heart Warmers Family

Creator: troyashell
Owner: troyashell

Members: 16

This family has the #9626 and was created for special friends.
One day the Southern Alasre Alpaca traveled a bit to far away from the mountain, where she was born. The green meadows in front of the hill, where just too pleasing. After awhile, she felt lonely though. I nice human found her and brought her to a very beautiful area of the meadow. A Western Alasre Alpaca was grasing there. It was love at first sight. As the male Western also had good experience with humans, they decided to create a family, that gives the humans something back. “Our backs are strong. If you have a burden to carry, put it on our backs. If you feel cold, our wool will warm you. If you need to be protected, we will protect you. If you feel lonely or misunderstood, we stand by your side as a companion.
Be kind to us – we will be there for you.”

* no inbreed
* no release (if you don't want sent them back to me)
* no freezing eggs
* name them please
* only to be gifted


1st Generation (13)

2nd Generation (1)