Koza Riba Family Crest

The Koza Riba Family

Creator: Notherland

Members: 14

Anming's family went to a stream to drink. They had just travelled through the Etain Desert, and many were lost due to dehydration. As Anming bent down to drink, a young koi went up for a breath. Noses touched, and a spark jolted through their bodies. Anming waded into the water, Anguo leading her in deeper. The other Ibex were bleating fearfully; none of them could swim. Helpless in the deep waters of the river, Anming went under and never resurfaced.
Years later, a strange creature rose out of the river and dragged itself onto the land. At first glance, it looked similar to a goat, but looking at the back, it resembled a fish. Nobody knows for sure whether it was the offspring of Anming and Anguo, or Nature's mistake.
Breed only with 1st gen Capris.


1st Generation (8)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)