Broken Lineage Family Crest

The Broken Lineage Family

Creator: 11lizzy11m
Owner: 11lizzy11m

Members: 10

I created this lineage because people sometimes can't follow the rules, I know most of the time people don't notice they were wrong and they didn't want to be wrong. You can do everything that mostly isn't allowed, but even this family has RULES
-Name them after: a family you created that someone broke the rules of (NEVER USE A PERSON´S NAME, since probably that person didn't want to break the rules) or name them after something that could be against the normal rules or a special rule in one of your families or some else´s that's been broken. For example the first egg is frozen and called frozen (though freezing is allowed here I would like not to see too many frozens). Or you could name it after something that has been broken, because someone broke the rules like: heart, spirit, trust
-When freezing call the creature something whit "frozen" in it and "releasing" when you released it
-first (4th) egg is named after a glitch and the only egg that is allowed not to follow the rules


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (1)