Raschkalle Family Crest

The Raschkalle Family

Creator: RaineGryphon
Owner: RaineGryphon

Members: 51

The name 'Raschkalle' means 'Swift Talons'. Eiona and Dharryn took it for their surname so that their children might grow to be swift and strong. Their lives have not been easy; these two gryphons have survived massacres and plagues alike. A hardy family of high fliers and relentless defenders such as these has never been encountered before. The progenitors remain nomadic, constantly on the move to find homes for their young so that the past tragedies might never be repeated.

Loyalty and a determination to survive runs in their veins. Will you adopt a Raschkalle as your own?

1. Only stream-colored gryphons are allowed.
2. Colors do not matter.
3. No freezing.
4. Absolutely no selling. Please gift them to users who want them. =D
5. THINK BEFORE YOU NAME. Always use correct capitalization. Seeing as names are unchangeable, if you have any doubt of your intended name, please PM me and ask.
6. If you have any other questions, please PM me (RaineGryphon).


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (14)

3rd Generation (15)

4th Generation (7)

5th Generation (1)