Of prime numbers Family Crest

The Of prime numbers Family

Creator: 11lizzy11m
Owner: 11lizzy11m

Members: 9

Two little koys who both liked primenumbers. THey decided to take the name Of prime numbers as there family name.

- Every creature must be named as soon as the egg is laid after the nekst prime number, since numbers aren't possible they have to be the Roman number for that prime number. No duplicate numbers and the order should be the one the creatures are born.
NEVER LEAVE THEM UNNAMED!!! please follow espacially this rule.
You can find the first 10000 prime numbers on this site: http://www.win.tue.nl/~jessers/aansluiting/priemgetallen.htm
- Breed them whit sb koi or ibex or lowest gen capricorn (I would like seeing other creatures in this lineage as well)
- DON'T: inbreed, use for quest, realease, freeze, breed whit other lineages

Crest by the wonderfull Rosehill


1st Generation (3)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)