Dearly Family Crest

The Dearly Family

Creator: Serianna
Owner: Serianna

Members: 9

Although, many of the 101 dalmations err direwolves found homes along the way via Jadeunicorn's and Serianna's efforts. Perdita and Pongo Dearly reside happily together and have their own family going. From time to time one of their little ones is offered as token of friendship and thank-you to those helping take care of the many direwolves that Jade and Seri rescue from evil.

These little 1st generation darlings will be handed out to winners of the 101 Dalmatians... Direwolves auctions, only if the winner agrees not to freeze, inbreed, and name their Dearly baby. The baby will be in addition to the auction dires.

Anyone with a 1st Generation or later darling is welcome to give or sell the Dearly's on the condition that you refer the person buying or getting the little one back to the lineage so he or she knows my simple rules...

Name before gifting
No Freezing
No Inbreeding
Return to me if you do not want the little ones.


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (1)