Of Rainbow Bridge Family Crest

The Of Rainbow Bridge Family

Creator: EvilJJ
Owner: Twersie

Members: 6

I am sure all of you have heard the story of the rainbow bridge - the place where pets go to wait for their human companions aftter they have left the mortal realm.
This lineage is based on this idea, basically, it is a memorial lineage for pets we have lost.
I chose the Gryphon to represent the pet here on earth and the Phoenix to represent the pet's spirit after it crosses the rainbow bridge.
Having both phoenixes, gryphons, fire gryphons and solar hippogryphs should also give people a decent choice when it comes to the type of creature they would like to represent their pets.

There are some rules I would like you to follow:
1. Do NOT release your Of Rainbow Bridge lineaged ctreatures
2: NAME them after a deceased pet
3: Do not sell - only ever gift.
4: While not an official rule, breeding them is encouraged.


1st Generation (4)