Minion of Darkness Family Crest

The Minion of Darkness Family

Creator: awesomeness
Owner: awesomeness

Members: 21

We are the minions of the Army of Darkness, servitors of evil in the flesh, soldiers of despair and bringers of chaos. To bear our kin is to be one with the Void.

Follow our rules lest we swallow your soul.

1. Do not inbreed.
2. Do not breed into other lineages unless they are also evil lineages. No breeding into happy or silly lineages.
3. Name us. Pick something dark or evil, please. I suggest military+demon naming conventions, but it is not a requirement.
4. Do not freeze, release or use in any quest EVER!! The exception is they are allowed to be frozen at 6.66% or 66.66% no other percentages.
5. If you do not want us, return us to the General of the Army of Darkness, the creator of the lineage: awesomeness.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (9)

3rd Generation (8)