Plusle Family Crest

The Plusle Family

Creator: The_PrincessCat
Owner: The_PrincessCat

Members: 7

I have created two lineages, the Plusle Family and the Minun Family. These are both two creatures from the Pokémon series. I admit I am not a huge fan of Pokémon (any more), but I couldn't help making this lineage because the name seems to fit so well.

Plusle are mostly a shade of cream with red accentuation. The accentuation of red are apparent on its large ears, cheeks, forepaws, and tails. Plusle's short tails have flat plus signs on the end of them, while their red cheeks are circular with plus signs voided in the middle. Plusle seems to be related to Minun (and the four progenitors are in fact siblings).

1) No Inbreeding
2) No Duplicate Names
3) Please NAME IT, but make it appropriate please.
4) No breeding w/other lineages
5) DO NOT RELEASE A BABY (send it back to me please!)
6) DO NOT FREEZE! It makes me very sad to see these in ANY lineage!
I will blacklist for breaking these rules!


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)