MacBriar Family Crest

The MacBriar Family

Creator: Arkinine
Owner: Arkinine

Members: 10

I could say the MacBriar family is a noble, proud family that will defend therir magi at all costs.

but I won't.

Because they WERE going to have a BETTER name, but NOPE I just had to forget to write it down

~No inbreeding
~If you don't want yer MacBriar, either give him/her/it to me, or sell it.
~I wish to keep this line purely Direwolves, so please don't breed them with non-dires
~Try and put something like Lord or Lady or Sir in front of their names. I don't care if you don't, but it makes it kinda fun

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (4)