Kirre Family Crest

The Kirre Family

Creator: awesomeness
Owner: awesomeness

Members: 9

A kirre resembles a giant, imposing tiger, with canine teeth, two goat's horns sprouting from its head, and a barbed tail. The kirre is an incredibly rare creature which lives in the few forests of Athas. Sightings of it have been very few and far in between, and many believe this not to be half as much because it is a rare and reclusive creature as that hardly any who have encountered it have lived to tell of it. The creature needs to kill for food, sadism and the pure instinct alone, so therefore its first notion when it sees practically any other living thing is to kill it. It is powerfully psionic creature, and is able to broadcast nightmarish images to weaken its foes.

1) No Inbreeding.
2) No breeding w/other lineages.
3) Do not release. If it is unwanted send it back to me.
4) Do not freeze. Ever.
5) Please name them something fantasy or Dungeons and Dragons like.
6) Now that you know how to name them, please don't duplicate names. Should be easy.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (1)

4th Generation (1)