Schneefeuer Family Crest

The Schneefeuer Family

Creator: Fin
Owner: Fin

Members: 84

The german word "Schneefeuer" means "Snowfire" in english language. Ymir and Audhumbla were the first alive creatures in the Norse mythology (Edda) and the hole world and the life arise, in this old history of creation, out of the body of Ymir. He was an Ice-Giant and drank the milk of Audhumbla.

Old tales I remember, of men long ago.
I remember yet, the giants of lore [...]
Of old was the age, when Ymir lived;
No Sea nor cool waves, nor sand there were;
Earth had not been, nor heaven above,
Only a yawning gap, and grass nowhere.


„Es war in alten Zeiten, als Ymir lebte,
weder Sand noch Meer, noch kühle Wellen,
Erde fand sich nicht, noch Aufhimmel,
gähnender Abgrund war und nirgends Gras.“

---> Please name the children of this family with nordic names and breed only with Arkenian Kitsune :)

(Crest by @Eboli)


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (31)

3rd Generation (22)

4th Generation (15)

5th Generation (5)