Sock Monster Family Crest

The Sock Monster Family

Creator: pegasi1978
Owner: pegasi1978

Members: 13

Every so often when a Magi is doing their laundry a sock will disappear while their backs are turned. The culprits? Members of the Sock Monster family. Gryphons, being busy critters, don't spend as much time on their nests as they should. So, Sock Monsters have figured out socks straight from the dryer are perfect for hatching their eggs … especially Thane’s bright red, Alpaca-wool socks.

Now you know where those missing socks go - onto gryphon’s nests!

Lineage inspired by Ruth Thompson's "Lair of the Lost Socks", part of her "Lost and Foundlings" series.

- This is a gryphon-only lineage so breed with gryphons (whether they are SB or fire/ice gryphons) only - no fire/ice phoenix, no light/dark pegasus and no making hippogryphs of any sort. (Lowest gen possible preferred.)
- Do not inbreed

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (3)

3rd Generation (2)