SharingMadness Family Crest

The SharingMadness Family

Creator: GeistStorm
Owner: GeistStorm

Members: 4

Vitals: Both are offspring of Unrelated Stream Born Ibex/Manticores. (Despite the names of the Ibex in question... That's me being a moron, nothing else.)
Please don't freeze their offspring before they hatch. If you choose to once they become hatchlings, okay but we'd like to see if there are sons or daughters running around. Also, if you get one of these lil critters, please let me know if they've been sold or whatever. Thanks!

Non-essentials: Their family name came about because when I tried to have a sit-down to discuss it with them, it was a royal pain in the rear getting the goats and the lions to stop bickering happily with each other long enough to settle on a name. Sooo... SharingMadness it is. Because with four heads, two prey and two preds each and Yet a love for one another it can only Be madness that's shared. XD


1st Generation (2)