Shadowlord Family Crest

The Shadowlord Family

Creator: DragonsLairs
Owner: DragonsLairs

Members: 22

One day while walking through her Keep with her trusty Dascht, Imreis, at her side The Magi happened upon two kittens that seem rather close to one another and shrouded in an odd mist. Picking them both up and taking them in further to where her female and male Panthers resided she watched in amusement as the Panthers seemed to bow in respect to the small kittens. Amused by this odd respect and the way the kittens seemed to always be shrouded in mist the Magi decides that these Mist Stalkers were to bare the name of Shadowlord.

Lineage rules! Never EVER freeze or release hatchlings or eggs.
If you decide you no longer want a Shadowlord please send them back to me, DragonsLairs. Please name them. Please breed them. Feel free to spread them out by selling or giving them away, as long as others follow my lineage rules.

And be careful! Shadowlords have been known to bite!


1st Generation (10)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (1)