Rufus Stone Family Crest

The Rufus Stone Family

Creator: WolfSkin
Owner: Moonstonemarauder

Members: 15

Once upon a time in lands far away, their was a war between the dragons, the good and the evil fought over a cup, which contains great power from anyone who drinks from it. The bad dragons won the battle but not the war, the war has been outgoing for over thousands of years, the battle has not began yet, but this family was born to crush the evil and regain the cup, but now that they have the will breed quick than ever before and crush good forever. Can we beat the evil that threatens us all?

Only the elders (Progenitors) become ancients.

If, for any reason, you don't want your creature anymore then please send him/her back to me :)


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)