of Desert Skies Family Crest

The of Desert Skies Family

Creator: cusith
Owner: cusith

Members: 3

The members of the Desert Skies pack are known far and wide as being persistent trackers and agile hunters. They love nothing more than to race across various terrains chasing prey, be it either food, rare eggs or an errant criminal. If taught from a young age they can learn various commands in whichever manner a Magi chooses; whistles, clicks, or words. They are loyal and steadfast, and will stand by their chosen Magi through thick and thin.

1 - no inbreeding
2 - no breeding with other lineages
3 - do not freeze
4 - do not release. Send yours back to me if you no longer want it
5 - do not sell, only gift, unless otherwise given permission (AKA: PM me)
6 - only breed with non inbred or Stream Born Savannah Alphyns or Shop Born Silivian Alphyns. No
7 - If naming please use Egyptian/Middle Eastern names only.


1st Generation (1)