of Chopins Legacy Family Crest

The of Chopins Legacy Family

Creator: Faeryl
Owner: Faeryl

Members: 15

ยด"Put all your soul into it, and play the way you feel!" - Frederic Chopin

As you walk aimlessly through the corridors of the Keep the sound of a piano reaches your ears. Soft melodies unbeknownst to you, careful, yet vivid, fill you with a multitude of emotions, and you follow the fading sound, entering a room which you seem to never have noticed before.

You open the door carefully, as if not to disturb the artist inside; You see flowers everywhere, filling the chamber with the soft fragrance of lilies and roses. In the center of the flowerbeds lies the piano, shining as if lit by a magical, eerie fire, but it is not played by a human being; Instead a Pearl Wyrm lingers in front on the instrument, completely ignoring you as he plays on. Other wyrms of all colours have taken place beside him, some obviously dreaming as the Nocturne continues. You still stand in the doorway and allow yourself to join their dream for a moment, leaving reality behind.

This is Chopin's Legacy.


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (2)