Cloudracer Family Crest

The Cloudracer Family

Creator: Mokarran
Owner: Mokarran

Members: 33

Queen of the skies, Balaska issued a challenge to all the pegasus stallions who aspired to be her mate. Her heart would go only to the one who could catch her. Faster than the wind, she led them all on a merry chase until one by one they fell behind and gave up the pursuit. Triumphant but alone, Balaska sailed above the clouds and watched the night sweep across the land. From out of the darkness flew Kerris, the fastest and strongest of the dark pegasi. When he saw Balaska he knew he had to have her for a mate. For three days and three nights, he relentlessly pursued her across the skies until she was forced to rest atop the tallest mountain in the land. It was there that she gave her him her heart and the proud line of Cloudracers was begun.


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (16)

3rd Generation (3)