Creeper Family Crest

The Creeper Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 33

- Please keep the line Forest Leviathan only.
- Please name your Creeper something Minecraft or Minecraft's creeper themed. (Minecraft's creepers are green things that explode/self destruct when they get close enough of the player's character. They make a sort of hissing sound, described as a fuse burning down, and leave only a crater behind. They will also follow you around if they see you to get close enough to explode.)
- Please do not freeze or release Creepers. Frozen Creepers tend to explode and released Creepers wreack havoc wherever they roam. If you no longer want your Creeper (understandable with all that exploding) send it back to Rosehill or to Master Belmos.

Request free offspring here:
Crest by me, request your own here:


1st Generation (13)

2nd Generation (9)

3rd Generation (8)

4th Generation (1)