of Hollywood Family Crest

The of Hollywood Family

Creator: Rainrain
Owner: Rainrain

Members: 5

There was once a tale of a city plastered in gold named Hollywood. There lived a couple, poor as dirt because of their race was shunned and the poor couple only wanted a nice magi to take them in. They say a very kind and heart filled magi came and took the couple in. She too, became poor soon for taking in a shunned couple. One day the Magi was going to sell her most prized creature, a Donation pet. Riyah and Selena felt bad for the Magi. One day they sprouted an idea. The Magi could sell their children. Selena bore a healthy boy, except he wasn't a Koi or Ibex...The baby was a Capricorn! Everybody wanted a baby, but they only breed under the command of one Magi; Rain. Soon everyone saw how valuable these two creatures were, soon everyone began to worship them. They made the town Masters of Hollywood. Now they give their children to anyone. Just follow Rules: Please Breed Capricorns with other Capricorns. Please breed & Name your "of Hollywood"


1st Generation (1)

2nd Generation (2)