MacFenris Family Crest

The MacFenris Family

Creator: FennecFyre
Owner: FennecFyre

Members: 26

Although courage and loyalty sit at the forefront of the MacFenris clan's values, the pack has often been seen as aloof and isolationist, rarely leaving their territory in Silva. The exception to this is the clan's patriarch, who can usually be found traveling with his magi, leaving his more wild-minded mate to manage pack affairs. Those bonded with other magi also often serve as guards and protectors.

Recent generations have begun to stray outside the forest more and even interbreed with other species, resulting in hybrids and even seemingly-normal ibexes and capricorns with wolf blood and wolfish instincts. These "newbloods" are not entirely accepted by the older, more traditionalist members of the family, and so tend to live their own lives away from the pack and its politics.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (2)

5th Generation (1)

6th Generation (1)

7th Generation (2)

8th Generation (1)

9th Generation (1)