Flame War Family Crest

The Flame War Family

Creator: Rosehill
Owner: Rosehill

Members: 30

- Feel free to breed phoenixes, fire gryphons and solar hippogryphs to the lineage along with the occasional gryphon from failed fire gryphon breedings, but please do not breed any ice creatures to the lineage.
- Please do not freeze or release any Flame War offspring. if you no longer want your Flame War offspring send it back to Rosehill or Master Belmos.
- Please name your Flame War.

Request free offspring here: http://magistream.com/37-family-center/65391-rosehill-lineage-lair.html
Crest by me, request your own here: http://magistream.com/27-hall-arts/92201-rosehill-graphics-galore.html


1st Generation (13)

2nd Generation (10)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (2)