Manenki Family Crest

The Manenki Family

Creator: Wolfe
Owner: Wolfe

Members: 6

A small, yet intuitive pack of Dires. They strive only to bring the best to their Magi, even if this means hurting others. However, this pack does not hold the best affections for each other. Fights break out constantly, showing off who is more dominant. Most Dires from the Manenki pack are scarred. They wear these scars proudly, showing off how many fights have been won or lost.

Dire, the alpha of this pack, was Wolfe's first creature. He is special to her and even if he has an attitude problem, she can crack his tough facade. If one of these wolves finds you worthy, you may see their loyal, fuzzy side as well.

Personal Note: Dire and Takhi's other offspring include Mansi, Nootau, Minoko, and Nonie.
Note: Please don't inbred!
Frozen pups are fine! If you no longer wish to care for your pup or adult, I will take it back. I would prefer none of them be deleted.


1st Generation (4)