HeartGold Family Crest

The HeartGold Family

Creator: Piney
Owner: Piney

Members: 30

As the life giving phoenix known as Ho-oh flew on its seven colored wings, a legend was to be born.
He had a valiant heart, willing to fight for the weak and weary.
She had a kind heart, loving everyone no matter their strength.
He wanted to be the best, a master.
She wanted to live in harmony, in peace.
As Ho-oh flew on its seven colored wings, it kindled the inner fires of these two youths,
And casted their hearts into hearts of gold.

Do not inbreed!
Breed and bring new species into the lineage if you can! NO GREY/BLACK GRYPHONS OR ICE-RELATED CREATURES.
Name them please?
Freezing and releasing is not cool.


1st Generation (16)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (3)

4th Generation (1)