Glass Feather Family Crest

The Glass Feather Family

Creator: freakazoid
Owner: freakazoid

Members: 5

There is a special trait that all members of the Glass Feather family share - their feathers are made of glass. Many Magi who hear of this think it is a joke and don't believe it, but it's true. This is why these feathery beasts are not used for flight. They are very finicky and self-absorbed, but can be very useful when trying to escape from something. A light source is able to glint off of their feathers, causing a glare to cast in the attacker's face. This can cause one of two things, or both - the attacker will be blinded for a moment, or the attacker will become confused because of all the sunny glares shining in their face.
The rules of this family are simple - do not inbreed, do not release, do not freeze, and only breed with creatures that have feathers.


1st Generation (3)