Demons of RunningAir Family Crest

The Demons of RunningAir Family

Creator: SouthernCryptid
Owner: SouthernCryptid

Members: 28

-The Demons of RunningAir is seemingly made of normal white elks. Think Again.
-Their ancestors were raised from eggs by a certain dark sorcerer, and tainted with his dark magic. However, he was kind to them, and they enjoyed his company. When he passed, both Elk left. They left two children of theirs to his daughter, who passed their children down. Now, RunningAir owns two of them, Everything Burns and Tip of the Knife.
-They are blessed with beautiful white bodies in the day, but at night, they turn into their true form. Even in the day they do not breathe, as they are undead.
-In the night form, their plumage (for they are covered with feathers, instead of fur) turns night black, and they lose their eyes and mouths. They travel by echolocation, bone armor sprouts from their skin, and wherever they walk, frost freezes the grass. The males always have thirteen antler tips, and both genders have shackles on their limbs.
-Crest Drawn by me.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (5)

5th Generation (5)

6th Generation (2)

7th Generation (1)