The RAWRastic Family Crest

The The RAWRastic Family

Creator: sexykittieh
Owner: sexykittieh

Members: 4

The RAWRastic family began when one newbie magi that found two poor little pups in a bag in middle of the stream drowning.She took the little puppies and raised them so well that after they have grown up they decided to thank her and staying with her as her guardians and make a family.So the RAWRastic was made and two wolfies thanked sexykittieh by giving birth to a little pup that was soo cute that both wolfies and sexykittieh decided to cast a spell upon pup so it will be frozen and never grow up so it will live eternally as a puppy and forever cheer up all the creatures in the keep
1. No release..But you can freeze your hatchling, even the gifted ones. Yes, you may but not when they are eggs.
2. name ur wolfies funnieh names :D
3. do not sell wolfies that i gift to u if u dun want them give them back >:D
4. make sure the person that u gift the wolfie to will follow the rulez
5. spread the RAWRastic love ! XD


1st Generation (2)