of Labyrinth Family Crest

The of Labyrinth Family

Creator: Nysander
Owner: Nysander

Members: 4

Yes this is a lineage based off of the Movie/Book/Manga Labyrinth. Since MS doesn't currently have owls, Roc's will just have to do.
Will get around to a crest/story blurb later.

Rules, please follow them:
~Please name them (be it a normal name or a made up goblin one just please name them)
~Please don't freeze eggs, if you feel you have too freezing hatchlings is O.K.
~Please don't release any offspring, If you no longer want the offspring give it back to me or to someone who does.
~Try and breed only with Rocs of lower gens (ex. SB or 1st gen), Please no inbreeding.
~Gifting or Selling as long as there is no releasing is fine.


1st Generation (2)