FOXHOUND Family Crest


Creator: Borgia
Owner: Borgia

Members: 14

High-Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND was an elite black ops unit of the U.S. Army that was established by the "Legendary Soldier" Big Boss in 1971. Although its function changed over the years, FOXHOUND specialized in covert, solo infiltrations, to cope with local revolutions, regional complications, and global terrorist activities in "unauthorized" combat zones too politically-sensitive to intervene through conventional means. All its members were battlefield hardened veterans, with many coming from a mercenary background. It was officially disbanded by the U.S. Government after the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005.
A white kit is a sign of the FOXDIE virus. These children are often considered lost causes, as the virus will kill them soon enough.

1. No releasing/freezing.
2. Do not breed other lineages into FOXHOUND.. except for FOXDIE.
3. Name them with real/human names... they're soldiers, afterall.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (6)

2nd Generation (2)

3rd Generation (2)

4th Generation (2)