Me Me Me Family Crest

The Me Me Me Family

Creator: Taliesen
Owner: Taliesen

Members: 28

Me Me Me koi are sublimely convinced that they ARE the center of the universe. Their sense of entitlement dwarfs their actual size (and importance), and they firmly believe that they have a right to the best of everything-without expending effort-because of their sheer wonderfulness. The Me Me Me koi lineage is extremely rare, as only those Magi who have demonstrated an exceptional sense of humor are capable of recognizing (and dealing with) their absurd belief in their own superiority. There are very few offspring from this lineage, because as a rule members of the lineage are too self involved to actually lower themselves to breed. But if you see a Me Me Me koi, you will know the owner has a fine sense of humor, is witty in discourse, and does not take himself or herself all that seriously.

Me Me Me Koi should NOT be bred. If you are the recipient of one please name it according to its attitude. See the progenitors for examples of appropriate names.


1st Generation (21)

2nd Generation (4)

3rd Generation (1)