OldSpice Family Crest

The OldSpice Family

Creator: Piney
Owner: Piney

Members: 27

Hello, ladies, look at your magi, now back to mine, now back at your magi, now back to mine.
Sadly, they aren't like me, but if they had an OldSpice minicorn, they could be awesome like me.
Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the magi your magi could be awesome like.
What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two eggs of that creature you love. Look again, the eggs are now diamonds.

Anything is possible when your magi has an OldSpice lineage. I’m on a minicorn.

Do not inbreed!
Breed and bring new species into the lineage if you can!
Name them something related to the OldSpice commercials or something equally ridiculous!
Freezing and releasing is not cool.


1st Generation (16)

2nd Generation (6)

3rd Generation (2)

4th Generation (1)