Wings Of Honor Family Crest

The Wings Of Honor Family

Creator: BluMajica
Owner: BluMajica

Members: 8

This pair found themselves among the mountains of Alsare where Elisbeth was minding the young of the other gryphons, some of which scorned her for not trying to find a mate among her own kind, for seeming not to care for any gryphon males. which there seemed to be plenty of strong, swift and agile potential mates.

A mate of unusual beauty caught Elisbeth's eye.
His graceful floaty soaring, swift justice of any who dare hurt any young creature of any breed. His kind eye and strong spirit - everything she wanted in a life long mate. She found salvation in the eyes of one whom helped her save the young gryphons from the hunger of a great dragon - and she found love...


1st Generation (4)

2nd Generation (2)