Of Kalesta Family Crest

The Of Kalesta Family

Creator: Enchanteddil
Owner: Enchanteddil

Members: 18

Of all the Hellhounds to roam the Lava River Mountains, none were feared as much as Dorjan and Duvessa. None dared to stand against them, leaving them free to kill and steal to their hearts’ content.

One day, however, they came to the Two Rivers village and killed the sacred creatures offered to the fire goddess Kalesta. The villagers appealed to Kalesta for aid. Hearing their plea, Kalesta summoned the Hellhounds to her and bound them in place.

“Hear me and obey.” she told them in her ringing tones. "I had given you free will and you have used it to destroy. For each life you took, you must give one of your own children in replacement and keep but a single pup.”

Thus the pair was cursed and to this day they must surrender their pups to Kalesta, who turns each one into a human child to leave on the doorstep of the childless. From that day forward, Dorjan and Duvessa were peaceful creatures, for they knew in each village there could be one of their own.

Family rules

No egg freezing
No hatchling freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (4)