Defende Nos Family Crest

The Defende Nos Family

Creator: Taliesen
Owner: Taliesen

Members: 30

The great warrior Imperialism strode towards the Keep, where her services were needed once more. “Defende nos, Imperialism,” they had begged when telling her of the monster.
So she strapped on her armour and went to do battle.
It was big.
It was strong.
She could take it.
“Defende nos,” the inhabitants said.
The fight was hard but Imp was winning, until she slipped in mud and dropped her sword in the moat’s deep water.
“Defende nos!” the inhabitants cried.
“I heard you,” Imp muttered, as her hand closed around a firm, cool shaft. “Take that!” she said, brandishing her great, long—narwhal?
The monster began laughing so hard Imp was able to quickly finish it off.
She and the narwhal were borne triumphantly into the Keep to celebrate, but in the morning she told them she was needed elsewhere.

In honour of her brave deed, the narwhal became Imperialism Defende Nos and forever after the Defende Nos narwhals have been the first line of defense.


1st Generation (24)

2nd Generation (4)