StealthDrake Family Crest

The StealthDrake Family

Creator: Dragon131
Owner: Dragon131

Members: 4

The StealthDrake family is infamous for their stealth and thievery. The wyverns of this family are very stealthy and can stalk a magi for hours without him or her ever noticing the wyvern's presence. StealthDrake wyverns are also possessed by kleptomania and are always stealing things. They use their stealth skills to sneak into a magi's chambers and snatch things without the owner ever knowing the wyvern was there. All the wyverns of the StealthDrake family store their stolen goods in one place, which has led to an enormous hoard of jewelry, gems, gold, personal keepsakes, and much more. Only the StealthDrake wyverns know the location of this hoard, and many magi have searched for it, some hoping to strike rich, others hoping to find long lost personal keepsakes. However, nobody has succeeded in finding the hoard.

Crest by Rosehill


1st Generation (2)