Damien Family Crest

The Damien Family

Creator: umbreon241
Owner: Thyme

Members: 24

The Damien family is a family of Koi.


Never release your Damien.
If you don't want your Damien, please gift it someone who does or send it to Thyme, the lineage caretaker.
If you MUST freeze it, please send it to Master Belmos. (The only other time you may freeze a Damien is as an egg at 100% or a hatchling at 0.00% or 100%.)

Name your Damien what you would like to do to / with him. Nothing inappropriate please. You don't want to hurt Damien's feelings.

Breed your Damien! Giving the offspring to other people!


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (8)

3rd Generation (2)